I went to Gamestop today to return my preorder for New Leaf so that I could buy a points card for the eShop and buy the digital copy instead. I was going to do this because going to Gamestop to pick up my preorder on Sunday was inconvenient for me as I had somewhere to be. So I get to the store and try to do this and they tell me it’s impossible to do. I’m super confused because I know for a fact that it’s possible to download it digitally. I've had this game preordered for over a year, obviously I know more about it than some stranger to the series. I leave because I get anxious with strangers and don’t want to start problems (I should’ve just explained that he was wrong, ugh). Then I go back because I’m furious and tell him that all I wanna do is get my money back and buy something else with it. He and his little friend do some “research” and say “Oh, you can download it digitally. My bad, but you know you can only download it two days after the actual release date. And also, if you download this game you can't ever return it once you beat Animal Crossing. (M*THERF***ER YOU DON'T BEAT F***ING ANIMAL CROSSING OH MY F***ING GOD) That would suck.” So this idiot decides to just brighten up my already ****ty day by being persistent to let me know that I should not cancel my preorder. He kept giving me all of these reasons. I am not a rude person, I don't like to start **** as I said earlier so I politely left without causing a scene. It was clear that he did not want me to leave that store with a cancelled preorder and an eShop card. You cannot fathom how pissed off I was and still am.
I posted about this on tumblr and someone told me that he most likely didn't want me to cancel my preorder because if an employee has a cancelled preorder they have the risk of being "soft fired". (Whatever that means) I find this completely ridiculous as you run more risk of being fired by having an angry f***ing customer calling and complaining about your resistant ass self. Ugh.
Have any of you ever had a bad experience with Gamestop employees? And the reason I posted this in the New Leaf forum is because I was wondering if any of you had heard these stupid rumors that New Leaf will not be available for download at the eShop until two days after the release date (June 9th/June 14th).