Uber agreed. Any website that has to steal and take credit for something, scratch that ANYTHING that has to steal and take credit for something is a sad excuse. Eric Bauman's Dad Neil Bauman is ever worse. So many slurs.STORMCOMMANDER said:Huh? I'm talking about the YTMND thing. But either way, ebaumsworld is a sad excuse for a websiteJJRamone2 said:The ebaums thing was he did it againsed something awful, the best website everSTORMCOMMANDER said:What website would you do it at? Popular forums don't allow that kind of HTML. And who was your host? Websites these days usually have a large bandwidth limit that is usually not going to be passed. TBT's limit was passed when an article was on Digg.com because we had 15000 visitors in a few hours (and there was a huge image in the post that they went to too). This just doesn't seem remotely possible for someone to do. There have been things like this done against ebaums world I believe, but this was by YTMND members... thousands of people...JJRamone2 said:Oh I know, the law could get involved, it wouldn't be a smart idea at all. But it would be easy.STORMCOMMANDER said:Second part: That would take someone way too long to do, and it's not like you could post the iframe wherever you want, and it would have to be at a popular place that gets a lot of traffic. It's almost impossible and is really something that isn't done so much anymore. That and the fact that the FBI could get involved if someone attempts this on a website.
Secondly: You could post the iFrame wherever you want, all you do is code it, save it as a htm file and open it, the computer will do the rest. Posting it on a popular website would just speed it up, trust me, I've tested it on my own website..