So I only have my irl friend Levi to indirectly play Dragon Quest 7 Fragments of the Forgotten Past with, but I'm curious, any people here who are fans of the Dragon Quest series like I am? I was a fan of it before 7 on 3DS, and 7 sure won't be the last Dragon Quest game I play, as I've played some of it's spinoffs and I will continue to play Dragon Quest. I asked mom for Builders on Switch for my birthday, along with 2 other expensive games for Nintendo Switch. Feel free to share your experiences in the Dragon Quest series, be it main series or it's spinoffs.
I am a HUGE Dragon Quest fan even though I haven’t played alot of the games!
My first Dragon Quest game was the original Builders on PS4! It was so fun and kept me entertained for a LOOOOONG time! I still play it from time to time.
Shortly after finishing B1, I got Dragon Quest Heroes as a present for getting all A’s from my mother! I loved the first Heroes game and play it all the time. Its so fun and I am almost 100% done with it! I played the story 3 different times and have gotten enough skill points, finished the quests, beat almost all the maps, fully leveled all the characters, and all I have left is the secret final boss Atlas and to buy some mini-medal weapons! Bianca, Nera, and Yangus supremacy
The original imo is SO much better than the sequel, I got the sequel in Christmas 2017 and never finished it although it was such a great game as well! Im revisiting it in the future
I ended up preordering XI and LOVED IT SO MUCH! I never ended up 100%ing it but I got so close. I played through the entire story and got all the costumes though!
Dragon Quest games are really the only non-nintendo games I like and I play them all on my parents PS5 now. We never bought PS Plus so after our old PS4 bricked we lost everything. I am devastated that all my original saves for B1, B2, DQH, DQH2, and XI got deleted but its been a wonderful journey revisiting them after so many years! I know this thread is super old but I hope its okay to post in!
I liked 8 when I was younger but I don't think I ever beat it. I'd love to go back to it if I could find it again or if I break and buy a new one. I really liked 11 on the switch though and I've beaten that one. Maybe I'll try some of the other games one of these days but old games are so expensive.
For sure! Unfortunately, the UK really don't care about DQ so I've been a bit limited outside the main games, and growing up, I didn't even know most of them existed. I remember visiting Japan years back and being gobsmacked at the amount of love for it - I'd never even seen a single DQ toy in my life in England, not even in gaming stores, and now I'm being presented with entire shelves of stuff in a regular supermarket?!
The first Dragon Quest game I had was actually Dragon Warrior Monsters on the Game boy color. I was big on Pokemon at the time, so another monster raising game was just up my alley. Sadly I don't think I ever completed it, because I wanted to play with favourites and that became increasingly challenging in the later areas. I think my best monster was Hacksaurus (which, coincidentally, I happened to get a figure of while I was in Japan in a blind box - it made me very happy, considering there were about 8 others in the set too).
The one I love the most through is Dragon Quest Builders 2. I know some people here will have already heard me harp on and on about this game, but I really love it. I love the characters, the story, being able to have a few monsters (wish you could befriend more of them, though) and I enjoy the building aspects. I prefer having some more 3D objects to use as well, as opposed to say, Minecraft's entirely block selection.
I'm a huge fan of the series! I started with IX and I've worked my way through most of the mainline titles now (excluding X of course ;-; ), and am planning to start on some of the side-games after I finish playing IV on mobile and give VI a replay. ^^ I haven't played Builders, Heroes, Treasures, or any of the DQ Monsters games, but I'm really looking forward to doing so! Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince seems super hype too.
DQXI S is my absolute favorite of the mainline series, but I really love the Zenithian trilogy too. I'm cautiously hopeful for XII, but all the talk of it going in a new direction/having a darker tone has me a little concerned. I know the series is no stranger to darker themes sometimes, but there's always been that sense of hope throughout, and I just don't want it to lose its "comfort food" vibe. I like that I more-or-less know what I'm getting into when I buy a Dragon Quest game. ;u;