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Any others not a fan of normals?


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2018
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Curious to see where this discussion would go. Personally I'm not a huge fan of normals and I've realised it more since playing NH. I think the focus on the overly 'typical cutesy' tropes bothers me in general. I'd go even so far as to say they remind me of Mary Sues.

That being said I'll always have one on my island for balance's sake, and I do like Gladys the most out of them. I just struggle to relate to the posts where I see people have 3 or 4 or even more normals. Their designs are gorgeous though, I'll give them that. :)
i always have at least two on my islands - other than their designs being by far my favourite, i think they're a good 'filler' personality because having two (or more) villagers telling you they've been starting knitting projects, are thinking about trying a new recipe, or are enjoying a book (like, say, my actual friends in reality do) is less grating to me than multiple conversations about their bug friends whispering secrets into their ears, how they deadlifted five boulders this morning, or whatever it is that the peppys are on about

but i guess that's why they're called normals, you know?
other than their designs being by far my favourite, i think they're a good 'filler' personality because having two (or more) villagers telling you they've been starting knitting projects, are thinking about trying a new recipe, or are enjoying a book (like, say, my actual friends in reality do) is less grating to me than multiple conversations about their bug friends whispering secrets into their ears, how they deadlifted five boulders this morning, or whatever it is that the peppys are on about

but i guess that's why they're called normals, you know?

Ooh I like your perspective on this. I didn't think of it that way.
thanks :) just offering a different perspective, but i can also totally see why people see them as boring, and why someone might want more of the quirky personalities (who have some GREAT dialogue, especially in nh) in a quirky game
Their personality to me is on the boring side, like I definitely can't see myself being friends with them irl. I had two of them on my island at one point, and catching them mid conversation about starting a book club was a snorefest. I wish there was a way to cancel out of listening to a villager conversation.

I also think they have a bit of a mean side, more mean than other villagers. I had friends over during a meteor shower and Rhonda mentioned it, stating that the visitors are pretty desperate to wish on all the stars. Eat a Snickers, Rhonda. lol

I don't mind having a normal villager but I don't want more than one because I might die.
When talking about normal villagers, I'm always reminded of this memory of Kiki in my Wild World game: she called Jeremiah a jerk for making her cry. (Don't recall why. I just remember the aftermath!)

Normals in New Horizons are bland. I actually have trouble liking them, even though so many normals look very attractive to me. I had Celia and Goldie in early game. Had to let them go. I have Coco now. She looks so special, but she says the most uninteresting things. But, yeah, I guess that's why she's a normal. In real life, people I know are... pretty normal. But my game is my escape, and I want a healthy dose of weirdness in it. 😄
I think normals have the cutest designs so I always try to have one or two of them on my island! Although I do agree that their repetitive and often bland dialogue keeps me from speaking to them at times
There are some cute normal designs but there are equally as cute designs in every other personality as well (yes even the crankies and uchis), I like the normals but they certainly aren't my favourite personality. I don't feel all that motivated to chat to them due to the boring dialogue and generally prefer quirkier villagers both in design and dialogue (even if thats hard to fine in nh) All of that being said, I do love my normal villager Megan but would never get another normal whereas I have doubled up on other personalities before.
All of the types are just equally bland to me, I guess. There just isn't much of a difference between an obsession for books, and obsession for muscles, one for being a pop star and one for bugs. I don't talk to my villagers excessively though, so it doesn't bother me that much.

I am in the process of moving in a second normal, I'll see if I can put up with it. I already know that having two peppies and two/three lazies was too much for me, so I'll be surprised if I survive this. The plan is to move the first one out and back in to get them a better interior, and this way I won't be spending any time without a normal villager...

I also think they have a bit of a mean side, more mean than other villagers. I had friends over during a meteor shower and Rhonda mentioned it, stating that the visitors are pretty desperate to wish on all the stars. Eat a Snickers, Rhonda. lol

I think I like Rhonda. That's amazing.
I used to have three normals at the same time on my island because I couldn't resist their cute designs! But the dialogue though.. ;__;
Anyway, for me I don't exactly hate normals but I don't really like their personality since they tend to be really bland.
I used to like them more in previous games, but now they are pretty bland. I dont hate them, but fairly indifferent.
I feel the same as a lot of others... I love the designs, have 4 on my island at the moment, but the dialogue is very boring.

The other day I talked to Fauna and she said 3 or 4 of the most mundane things, and then got that little scribble above her head and told me she needed a break. A break from what? Telling me what a nice day it is and that she should call her parents? It makes it hard to bond with them when they're so devoid of personality.

I still keep them because of their designs and because I loved them more in New Leaf, but wish they would say something interesting or quirky once in awhile.
I used to have 3 normals and I got absolutely bored with them. It's a shame since I think the normal class has the most number of villagers I like design-wise. My final villager list will have 2 normal villagers, but different hobbies and subtypes.

Just found out today that I had a high friendship with Bea, and her dialogue became more flavorful. At least the normals are more interesting once you become close to them (but what an effort it is to make a villager your BFF lol).
they used to be my favorite personality in new leaf, but in new horizons it's like the absolute life got sucked out of them... really wish there'd be an update to give all villagers some new dialogue options.
I used to have four normal villagers and I'm now down to having just one (Nan, my island grandma, I love her) and I'm totally fine with that. They really get boring if you have a lot of them because they always say the same things.
I like a lot of their designs but right now a lot of them are interchangable for me. There's no one villager that speaks out to me and I have let go of a lot of them