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Any unpopular villagers you have a special connection to?

Moose was one of my starting villagers, and I?ve grown really attached to him- he?s such a great friend ^u^
Benedict. I’ve never seen anybody actually say they hate him, but I know he isn’t popular. I love him so much though, he’s one of my favorite villagers by far :)
Frita!!! She is so sweet and has been in my acnl town for years and my favorite sheep in the game!
Melba! I don't think she's specifically disliked but she doesn't seem to be a dreamie for anyone. I'm also Australian so I like koalas.
I love Cyrano the anteater. He was in my town in Wild World and he didn't want to be my friend but I still loved him.
I adore Tipper. I don't know exactly what it is about her, but I've always found her to be adorable.
I'd say Elise and Broffina. They were both my starting villagers in my old town and it was before I knew of villager popularity. I just loved them. Going back even further to when I was like 12, I absolutely adored Harry!
Poncho! I mean he is not disliked but still not very popular. He was my buddy all along wild world. I also have some kind of special bond with marcel and pekoe!
Kodyyy! He doesn?t appear to be very popular, but I?ve always adored him in every game I?ve had him in. Just so cute!
Kitty and Alfonso are my 2 favorite villagers. They were in my old Gamecube and City Folk towns, and I talked to them almost every day. I don't care that much about villager popularity, but part of me does kind of like that you don't see those 2 in seemingly every dream town in existence.
Most of the cranky villagers, if I’m being honest. Cyrano’s a big one for me. Also, Derwin the lazy duck is super cute, and I love him a lot.
Both Rolf and Frank hold a special place in my heart. Rolf was in my very first ever Animal Crossing town, which I started in New Leaf. For whatever reason, I took a liking to him and he stuck around until I left the town for around 3 years. Frank wasn't there from the beginning, but he moved in shortly after I started and I took a liking to him too. Ever since, I can't wait to get them back into my new town.
Cheri. Last original villager in my New Leaf town. She's extremely cute and she has my favourite personality.
I?m not sure how popular some of them are, but two big favorites for me that I never see people talk about are Cole the lazy bunny and Amelia the snooty eagle. There?s plenty I think are underrated!