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anyone actually use/needed to use the rescue service?

do you use the rescue services app?

  • yes

    Votes: 11 11.7%
  • no

    Votes: 52 55.3%
  • just for the one time

    Votes: 31 33.0%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
New Horizons Token
Father's Day Carnation
Mother's Day Carnation
i've only used it once before, i had actually gotten myself trapped terraforming and i was just too lazy to undo what i did so i called them instead. ;-;

but other than that i can't imagine myself actually using it again or in a situation where it's needed besides maybe the once i was in before.

it also bugs me that resetti has such a small role now, and while i was scared of him as a child (asking me to type in the apology and i barely knew how to form a proper sentence traumatized me) he's practically a staple to the series T^T
Nope, never used it. I might use it once just to try it out. Think about all the other cool apps on the Nookphone. The Custom Design app is a game changer with island design! Nook Miles adds hundreds of achievements, and is a great way to spend a few hours. All Rescue Service does is... rescue you. I really think the only point was to have a Resseti cameo.

I would also suggest adding a poll to this thread. Then you can see everyone's responses!
i’ve never used it. like said above, if i ever for some reason got stuck, i’d just save and quit as i don’t really feel like throwing 100 miles down the drain lol
Literally never used it once. I haven’t yet gotten into a situation where I’ve been stuck, but I’m talented in the art of clumsiness so we’ll see.
i've only ever needed it once during the may day maze with rover, but outside of special circumstances like that idk if i'll ever need it.
I had to use it one time yes. I was putting in a incline down to the secret beach & I had fences all the way along the rest of the border cliff. I was down at the lower level (the beach,) had terraformed out a patch of cliff 2 wide to perfectly fit the incline, and once I placed the incline I realized I couldn't use my ladder to get back up due to the fences along the rest of the cliff. So it was because of my own lack of foresight, but still, I did have to use it to get back up!
I clipped into a wall once and had to call. It was a weird glitch but I assume since then it's been fixed since I haven't heard anything about it and it hasn't happened to me again.
Used once to see how it worked and if unlocked a nook miles stuff, but didn't really need it or ever use it again... :whistle:
i used it twice on may day! i've also contemplated using it whenever i couldn't outrun wasps but ended up just taking the L most times lol :'<
I've used it a couple of times when terraforming and planting bushes. I should have just saved and quit, but in those moments I was so brain-dead from the terraforming that I forgot.
Yea I used it while terraforming a multi-tier waterfall. Instead of using my brain to make it with a way out, I just rescued myself out lol. It's only 100 nook miles and I was too lazy to restart the game.