It's pretty loud. Water in general is pretty loud! I'd love to dial it down two notches tbh. I also have the same issue with not being able to hear shooting stars! I also can't hear balloons
I like them from far away but if I'm going afk I have to move somewhere away from them or it will just break my ears lol. It's like when you have an annoying noise playing that's not too much of a disturbance if you don't turn it off but eventually it will just do your head in.
Ya, way too loud. I have to get right up to the ocean to hear it properly but waterfalls make the whole surrounding area loud.. really wish I could hear the wind more compared to them too
It is really annoying, but it makes sense. I've personally been to waterfalls in real life and some of the bigger ones are way loud. So it's just being realistic, still annoying though :\
i usually like to put a bench beside the waterfalls i make which is supposed to be a relaxing place to sit and from that distance it really is unbearable and the most unrelaxing thing ever to listen to lol.
Omg yes. I can’t hear myself think when I’m near a waterfall. Not gonna lie, the islands that at 99% waterfalls really pee me off just because of the roaring sounds
They're far too loud, I'd have a lot more of them if they weren't, but the sound of them annoys me too much. I don't know why they have to be so loud and gushing, a light trickle sound for smaller ones would be nice.
I really enjoy the water noises but definitley wish that for smaller waterfalls we could have a little trickling sound effect of something softer than the huge gush of raging water we get lol
The sound itself is actually nice, but it is a bit too loud, not gonna lie. Since I recently restarted, I'm planning to make at least one waterfall and stick with said one, too many of them would be a bit annoying after a while because of the volume.
Yes they are pretty loud and I have several waterfalls for my islands design. Large waterfalls part of the river system I could understand being sort of loud but landscaped ones should be more quiet.