This is the reason I barely have any waterfalls on my island. They are beautiful but I actively avoid the areas where they have been built because they are monstrously loud.
they're beautiful so I have quite a few, and the sound itself isn't bad but yeah definitely way too loud!! I found a dream island once that had an entire walkway of waterfalls and I couldn't handle the noise of it all
I wish it wasn't quite so loud. I have the standard size waterfalls that you start with and I think they are louder than real life waterfalls of the same size, which have a nicer sound.
I don’t mind the actual sound but the volume is insane loud. My entrance is just like Niagara Falls type volume lol. It needs to be reduced by half. I always love it when I go visit an island and they have a little DJ set up and it’s flanked by waterfalls because you can’t even hear KK slider at all.
The other thing I think about is how the rivers are noiseless and still unless a waterfall is involved. Shouldn’t rivers be rushing and making noise too? I’m just wondering why waterfalls blow out your eardrums and the rivers don’t make a peep!!
The reason I destroyed most of my waterfalls around the island was because it was too noisy I couldn't stand it. Thankfully I caught all the waterfall fish so I don't really need to build large ones and I only have a few small ones just for show.
I only have the waterfall that came with the basic island design because of the volume. It’s already iffy as it is with my noise sensitivity. Multiple waterfalls close enough to each other is too much. *_*
The waterfalls are definitely too loud for me. I love the way they look and would love to make more in my island, but I just can't handle it! If they gave us an option to turn the sound effect volume down I'd definitely be a happy camper.
I wish they would make it so that the volume of the waterfall would increase depending on its height and width. That would make the game a lot more immersive in my opinion, even if it is annoying.
I'm so confused as to why there still isn't an option to properly adjust the volume for music and/or sound effects.
The thought of waterfalls being too loud never crossed my mind! Perhaps I haven't passed by enough waterfalls to notice, but I actually enjoy the sound. I find it relaxing; however, I understand that not everyone shares my perspective! On a slightly different note, just like another user mentioned, I would love a "water flowing down a stream" sound! I'd find that really soothing.
Me thats why i only have like 3 and relatively small cause the sound when i am near is just to strong and annoying in my head hahahah ( although i do also like it cause its the sound of a waterfall). Have super mix feelings !
I will not say that I hate the sounds.. it's just obnoxiously loud. Maybe they should make the big ones loud, but the smaller the waterfall the more silent it is? Even the tiny ones are ripping my ears apart
Actually, I like the sound but I agree that it's really loud. After a while, I begin to feel uncomfortable or when there are shooting stars is really distracting and annoying because you can hear the sound cue... For sure some kind of volume/sound adjustment would be great
Ahhhh finally someone else noticed how loud those waterfall sounds! Like i really like the waterfall aesthetics and once considered making my island a primarily water town (with lots of waterfalls), but ultimately decided against the idea due to how loud they sound!! I still have waterfalls, but now resort to make smaller-scale ones rather than the more majestic looking ones. And totally agree that the water sounds completely covering up shooting stars.
Yes it’s soooo LOUD! I wish there was a way to adjust the sounds to our liking and tone down what we need. It only bothers me for the most part when listening for balloons though, but most of the time I have my headphones on so it’s not too too bad. I’ll usually try to do things like wishing on stars and balloon hunting away from waterfalls since I know it can overpower the sound of anything else. They are pretty though when done right, so I don’t mind them too much.