Anyone else not a fan of the new hourly music?


Senior Member
Jun 18, 2013
Overall I'm really enjoying the game. But after unlocking the hourly music, I'm sad to say I really don't like the new music. It's too funky and weird and doesn't feel like AC. I miss the chill, relaxing hourly music from previous games. Some of the hourly music is similar to the old stuff but most of it has this stupid funky beat now that I'm really not a huge fan of. Anyone else feel the same or am I just being really nitpicky? Lol.
I like GC's day music and NL's/WW's night music. I like how the music sounds like GC stuff kinda but the night music falls flat. 11PM and 3AM aren't really good in my opinion. I miss the emotional stuff from NL/WW.
I haven't heard it yet. I'm sad to hear that, and it was a fear of mine going all the way back to the E3 2019 announcement, and then again after hearing some of the music showed at PAX.

I am sick of the tutorial song, so it will be better than nothing I guess.
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None of them except for a couple really gave me animal crossing vibes. I think they just stuck to the tropical island theme too much.

I’m sure it will grow on me. I haven’t unlocked it yet. I’m kinda over the “tutorial” theme music.
It was also a fear of mine too and I'm disappointed but I also feel like maybe I'll get used to them? There are some good ones in there as well (12AM and 2AM are good) and the evening themes are good to me as they have been in every game (6pm is perfect, sounds like WW). Just sad we've went from the amazing 11pm and 1am in NL to the ones we have now. The new 1am is relaxing but it's definitely not melancholy, it's just jazzy.

Feel like they could've included more instrumental variation (add more flute/woodwind, piano, accordion, percussion) as most songs just have ukelele, drums, cello bass, and synth. I think they made the hour themes similar on purpose but in NL and GC the instruments in some hour themes were so different and I preferred it that way, it made each hour feel unique. Even WW had similar instruments in all songs but the instruments sounded more softer, like the accordion and marimba I feel is a better alternative to the synth especially in 2PM which sounds weird.

The tutorial music is really grating now though and I still can't wait to unlock hourly music because hearing the same thing all day for 5 days straight is not pleasant.

Sorry for long post I'm a pretty musical person lol,
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i haven't unlocked it yet, either. but hopefully we'll all get used to it and like it!! i will say though, i don't think anything can top the past soundtracks. i love the ww/cf soundtrack a lot, and new leaf's is amazing in its own way.
How! I love the new hourly music, I tried going back to choose which ones I liked specifically but they're all amazing to me.

except 3am LOL
I like the music, I just wish there was a different rendition when it’s raining like in NL, those were my favourite!
Anything is going to be better than this constant loop of guitar :lemon:
I enjoy some of the music! However, I noticed that sometimes multiple tracks will sound alike- particularly the afternoon/evening ones?
I feel like all the day tracks sound kinda similar, I like some of the night ones though. I wonder if there would eventually be an update for different music..
Yeah I just don't find much of a difference between all of them whereas in past games there tended to be more notable differences. I prefer the lo-fi vibes of the music of past games to what we've got now.
My town hall was recently built so I'm not too familiar with the music yet, but the 12pm one really sticks out to me (in a good way!) I really like it, especially in the rain. BUT the 8pm one is low key scary it sounds like someone is chasing me or I'm about to enter a boss battle LMAO
It kind of... All sounds the same to me...

I feel better playing some gc/cf/ww/nl OST in the bag honestly ;;;;
I haven't unlocked it yet. My town hall is getting built tomorrow.
NL music is some of my favorite there is. I actually put it on when I work or try to relax so I guess it's going to be hard to beat that.
I really like the music. I don't think it is as bad as people are making it out to be. I'm sure it'll grow on many of y'all after a while, just like New Leaf's music did.
so far i am a little bit disappointed in it, but it's not that bad. a few of the tracks are pretty repetitive and there's a bit too much synth for my taste, but i think it will grow on me as i get used to it - imo it's not bad, just different than my expectations
I went back to listen to New Leaf's hourly music and I definitely prefer those over the ones in NH. Probably a mix of personal preference but the ones in NH feel rather samey and monotone. There are one great ones though, like a lot fo the 12AM to 5AM ones. Ironically, those are the times that I wont be playing