Anyone else not excited at all for Red Steel?

I see where you are coming from, that it is just your ordinary fps. however, I want this game because of the graphics, which are better than ne of the games htat i own now, the fact that it is the first fps for the wii (i dont realy like the metroid series), and that it is on the wii. also, i look foward to turning my gun sideways.

o, and the swords.
Super_Naruto said:
TwilightKing said:
PKMNMasterSamus said:
TwilightKing said:
MasterDS lite said:
Swords on the touchscreen sucked (see Resident Evil DS), and I don't see why I should be exited about it on the Wii.

Metroid Prime's not getting the respect it deserves!
Yes, because the touchscreen and Wii-mote are exactly the same :| Metroid Prime is a good game, but I dont know why your that "exited" about it. Obviously Twilight Princess will be better. TP & RS FTW!!!!
On the touch screen you touch the screen to make movements. With the Wiimote you move your hand...the only way they are the same might be that they're for Nintendo and they are innovative.
PKMN! did you read the last 5 posts between me and Koehler?!?

:p I was being sarcastic XD
If you are going to be sarcastic sound sarcastic <_>.

Like...they are exaactly the same. or, idk


Anyways, I'm sure to whoever buys this it will be fun swing the Wiimote around like a sword =P.
Thats what this smiley was for :|

:p lol
It's a type of steel, sometimes used in girders. However, in this game, a gorrilla stands on top of a building made out of red steel and... You don't want to hear the rest, do you?