Anyone having difficulty selling mollectibles?

I hope this isn’t a bad idea: since we have an Island Journals forum, how about a forum for game ideas for the next Animal Crossing game, or the game idea journals forum.
I wonder how that's going to help people make more bells, since we're talking about the forum currency here. From what I've seen, ideas and suggestions for the next games are usually for small things most people want like bulk crafting and stuff. Seems like a pretty decent idea though; it keeps things more organized. My main problem is, I wouldn't want to go to that kind of forum and then see the same stuff over and over again. At least with the existing forums, the topics have variety. And those are my two cents. 🪙🪙
I'll admit I was slightly trolling in regards to my question to Apples but I think an honest take here is that the value of mollectibles has to go down for there to be movement in the market. They simply aren't worth what they used to be worth. I have said this before in the mollectibles thread. The market will move if mollectibles are cheap 🤷‍♀️
I'll admit I was slightly trolling in regards to my question to Apples but I think an honest take here is that the value of mollectibles has to go down for there to be movement in the market. They simply aren't worth what they used to be worth. I have said this before in the mollectibles thread. The market will move if mollectibles are cheap 🤷‍♀️
I agree. In fact, I think 4,000 TBT is too high for a glow wand mollectible. For a Star Wand, that’s not a bad price. But for a Planet Wand, it’ll be better to sell it for 2,000 TBT than 4,000 to 6,000 TBT. Plus, a better way to get rich is by selling more mollectibles for less than selling one or two fancy mollectibles for more. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way years ago.

If all mollectible prices are more reasonable rather than extreme (like the 10k TBT price tag), then you’ll have to accept that our demand system, not the price, is why the mollectible isn’t moving at all. If nobody wants to sell you some mollectible, it’s because they really want it, so it’s not really worth offering more for it. And if nobody wants to buy your mollectibles, it’s because they don’t want it, so it’s not worth lowering the price for it.

And maybe, when a new event pops up, we should probably stop obtaining mollectibles for the sole purpose of selling mollectibles. We can also donate mollectibles to new users to feel more welcome (specifically middle-of-the-road ones).
i've always had a hard time seeing the hype over buying/selling mollectibles tbh. i personally like earning them better just because of the sentimental value?? which might sound kinda silly but i guess i just don't like the idea of purchasing stuff secondhand. not that i'm bashing anyone who does this, it's just my personal preference. so i like to save my tbt up so that i can buy cool mollectibles when they come around or participate in events like the hybrid flower event. but given i used to be a lot more active so i used to earn bells a lot more frequently than i do these days </3 so this isn't always a viable option either.
I think it's incredibly frustrating when people ask for pure TBT for a mollectible and aren't open to trades. there isn't much TBT circulating at all. I know people can do what they want and I'm not at all mad at them for asking for pure TBT, but it just brings to light the fact that it's near impossible to do mollectible trades because we don't have any TBT to spend.

I think I saw someone else say something about a permanent bell boom? or bringing back that yearly "birthday tbt" thing? or even bringing back interest and capping it at 10k bells or something like that? I just know it's aggravating to be broke and see people selling dream mollectibles only for pure TBT. things like that have really pulled me away from the mollectible market in recent years.
I think it's incredibly frustrating when people ask for pure TBT for a mollectible and aren't open to trades. there isn't much TBT circulating at all. I know people can do what they want and I'm not at all mad at them for asking for pure TBT, but it just brings to light the fact that it's near impossible to do mollectible trades because we don't have any TBT to spend.

I think I saw someone else say something about a permanent bell boom? or bringing back that yearly "birthday tbt" thing? or even bringing back interest and capping it at 10k bells or something like that? I just know it's aggravating to be broke and see people selling dream mollectibles only for pure TBT. things like that have really pulled me away from the mollectible market in recent years.
I actually remember the staff saying that the only solution to see the marketplace move fast is for us to wait for the next Animal Crossing game to come out since activity has slowed down due to lack of AC game.

Well, this has happened before (ACNH’s release). And somehow, it didn’t work. When ACNH came out, I was hopeful that the TBT Marketplace would rebound after years of slowing down activity. But since there were more mollectibles than ever, it didn’t rebound as quickly as I thought. And now, the TBT economy is broken. Of course, as many said, activity has died down much faster during the ACNH era than the ACNL era, and it’s all because money-making in ACNH has been significantly nerfed past the point of reason, combined with the fact ACNH was released half-baked.

Just letting you know, this wasn’t the first time I discussed how hard it is to make TBT Bells anymore. It all began here when I noticed that it was difficult to make more TBT Bells after ACNL was three years old. Now, we’re in the darkness.
I love the mollectibles and think they are cute little icons! Its fun to get the ones you want but other than thats it not very serious. I think the best part is mainly interacting with everyone and even then showing off your favorites in your bar is cute.

I think everyone should do what makes them happy but in my honest opinion, some people get just a little bit too into these little pixels. I think if people prioritized on the discussions and fun of the website it would not be a problem. I just get worried seeing a good chunk of users stressing out and everything over the mollectibles.

Its supposed to be fun guys! TBT and the pixels mean nothing to me if it werent for the community and discussion!
Another point I wanna add on is that I'm finding it slower to earn TBT by posting since it's a bit slow activity wise so there's not much new stuff to post in. I remember posting a lot more years ago.
Another point I wanna add on is that I'm finding it slower to earn TBT by posting since it's a bit slow activity wise so there's not much new stuff to post in. I remember posting a lot more years ago.
It usually picks up during the events. We have two big events coming up, including TBTWC in just eight days and the newest TBT Fair shortly after. I'm not sure how much activity will boost, but it's typically a fair amount, pun not originally intended, lmao.
I know it isn't ideal for those interested in selling stuff, but the way the market is now does encourage people to watch out and participate in events for their mollectibles.
Here’s another suggestion: Next TBT Fair, one of the prizes you can purchase with tickets is more TBT Bells (like 10,000 TBT as one of the 60-ticket prizes). But it should be limited stock with no chance of getting restocked, even for the contest winners. I previously suggested high TBT Bell prizes for the 12 Days of Christmas Raffle.
Here’s another suggestion: Next TBT Fair, one of the prizes you can purchase with tickets is more TBT Bells (like 10,000 TBT as one of the 60-ticket prizes). But it should be limited stock with no chance of getting restocked, even for the contest winners. I previously suggested high TBT Bell prizes for the 12 Days of Christmas Raffle.
i'd rather not see more "you win by dedicating every minute of your life to tbt" instances personally. imo if they make purchasable tbt it shouldn't be that high of an amount nor should it be limited stock
I should probably stop making suggestions on how to improve the TBT economy. Every idea I make, it always gets shot down. With no other suggestion left, the only way to make more TBT then is by waiting for the next Animal Crossing game to come out, which we don’t know when it will happen.

All I want is an alternative way to making TBT so it can be quicker and easier to sell mollectibles on the TBT Marketplace. It hasn’t moved as fast as it did back in 2013-2015.
I'm ok with a tbt raffle of various amounts with the minimum not being below 300 nor the cap being more than 5000.
That way a large chunk isn't just stuck with one person, and the minimum isn't too low, or at least I feel like 300 isn't too low of a raffle win.