Anyone not doing new year event

if it's just too late you can always set your clock to a little earlier just for that day so you don't have to miss it -- but that's only if you don't want to miss it but can't stay up. personally I'm going to try and stay up for it, I haven't gotten to do any of the holidays yet so I'm excited to actually do one in real time!!
I'm going to time travel back in time for that day. I work all day on New Years and I want to see what the event is about.
I have plans with a small group of people so idk what I'm going to do about the event lol. I don't want to be antisocial and just sit in a corner playing video games. I guess it depends on what the event actually involves.
I want to, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to concentrate on the countdown on tv and the countdown on NH. I’m personally against time traveling on my switch for personal reasons, so most likely no.
I'm not sure what this is. I don't usually stay up that late but maybe I will try. There's always time travel if I'm too tired. New Year's isn't my favorite holiday but maybe it will be fun in game. Fireworks would be nice. In real life, I just try to stay home and avoid being on the roads.
I might not do it either. I skipped the Halloween and Christmas events. My town is set at a different month so nowhere near the holidays. Eventually hoping to catch up, but now it’s too much work.
I'm going to play it just because I have nothing else to do on New Years. It's also one of the events I'm excited to see because it looks cute 🥺 I also missed fireworks shows in the game
I'm always up at midnight, and will realistically not have anything better to do anyway.

So, as long as I remember, I will be doing the event for sure.
I won't have the game with me when the clock hits midnight, so I'm just going to adjust the time so I can play it earlier that day.
I'll be there. Also going to try to be there in New Leaf and Gamecube, too. I never did re-start a Wild World town, but maybe I should . . . wait I only have one 3DS dang
I'll probably do it this year. I mean, why not? If not (or if I miss it), then I am totally time traveling to it!
i always stay up until midnight on NYE to watch the fireworks on tv, and my sleep schedule is currently screwed anyway. i'd never be able to focus on the display and the game at the same time, though, so i usually have the game set an hour ahead or behind. that way i can play the event at a different time without getting confused or missing anything.
I always stay up past midnight on New Year's Eve, but I plan on spending that night with my family. So, I guess I'll be time traveling to a little before actual New Year's Day and experience the event!
I'll just change the clock so I don't have to stay up. I've been going to bed pretty early recently, and I don't want it messing up with my new sleep schedule. How long does this event run? Maybe I'll wake up at 4:30 am and do it if that's possible.