Anyone want to battle?

Giratina? Yeah, I barely even play so I don't use any of the games :p. Also, Avalanche does

:p kind of. Want to battle again?
Super_Naruto said:
Giratina? Yeah, I barely even play so I don't use any of the games :p. Also, Avalanche does

:p kind of. Want to battle again?
nah, I can't D=

I wish that battling online got the data for seeing pokemon... coughmewtwocough

I had 2 Mewtwo's in LeafGreen, and the one in Diamond is from my old game, because I traded about 10 of my best old LG pokemon to Colosseum and then started a new game and then I beat the game, caught legendaries and traded em back. So I have like Mewtwo and others (old LG and Colosseum), oh and my Espeon (and Umbreon who i didnt use) are from Colosseum =D.
No, Gengar had a Wobbufet and I faked him out (counter, mirror coat, ya know). And yeah I use 4 legendaries, is that a problem?

Mewtwo, Espeon, Giratina, Regigigas, Heatran, Empoleon

I also have these other strong pokemon I could use: Infernape, Umbreon, Staraptor, and others that I can't think of right now.
Super_Naruto said:
No, Gengar had a Wobbufet and I faked him out (counter, mirror coat, ya know). And yeah I use 4 legendaries, is that a problem?

Mewtwo, Espeon, Giratina, Regigigas, Heatran, Empoleon

I also have these other strong pokemon I could use: Infernape, Umbreon, Staraptor, and others that I can't think of right now.
Well, me and DF (And others, I'm sure) don't really like legendaries...

We find them kinda', unfair-ish...
Gengar said:
Kyle said:
Gengar said:
Super_Naruto said:
No, Gengar had a Wobbufet and I faked him out (counter, mirror coat, ya know). And yeah I use 4 legendaries, is that a problem?

Mewtwo, Espeon, Giratina, Regigigas, Heatran, Empoleon

I also have these other strong pokemon I could use: Infernape, Umbreon, Staraptor, and others that I can't think of right now.
Well, me and DF (And others, I'm sure) don't really like legendaries...

We find them kinda', unfair-ish...
Of course they are. Theres real no use in them if you stink at raising Pokemon. Just be fair.

P.S. Does Rotom count as legendary, because they can be breeded. And legendaries don't have eggs.
I don't really think Rotom counts as a legendary...
Rotom's not a Legend.
Neither is Lucario, Snorlax, Sudowoodo, or other Pokemon you only get once.
Super_Naruto said:
Kyle said:
Gengar said:
Super_Naruto said:
No, Gengar had a Wobbufet and I faked him out (counter, mirror coat, ya know). And yeah I use 4 legendaries, is that a problem?

Mewtwo, Espeon, Giratina, Regigigas, Heatran, Empoleon

I also have these other strong pokemon I could use: Infernape, Umbreon, Staraptor, and others that I can't think of right now.
Well, me and DF (And others, I'm sure) don't really like legendaries...

We find them kinda', unfair-ish...
Of course they are. Theres real no use in them if you stink at raising Pokemon. Just be fair.

P.S. Does Rotom count as legendary, because they can be breeded. And legendaries don't have eggs. can raise legendaries. And it's a lot harder to train pokemon at that level than level 30s. It's 100% fair because you guys have the exact same chance to get them too.
Ubers are banned in 95% of online battles.
Legendaries arent, but I prefer to play without them