April 2017 Release of Lego City Undercover for Nintendo Switch and other platforms


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Jul 3, 2016
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Anyone else played this on the WiiU and loved it? Are you considering getting it for the switch (whether you've played it already or not)?



I loved the original Lego City Undercover on the WiiU, it's still my absolute favourite game aside from the AC series. I've been trying not to get too excited about the re-release for the switch since I was holding off on getting that until the next AC is announced for it.

But. My partner just found out it has (local only, I assume) co-op and he's now keen for us to play. We normally play lego games using splitscreen mode on the WiiU and he just didn't enjoy playing LCU as a single player title as much as I did. Now *he's* really excited but I'm a bit apprehensive about how I'll cope with playing on a different controller and console setup. I'm so glad though that it got updated to include co-op, that should always have been there, and I'm happy it's getting released on other platforms so more people can play this awesome game.

It's a shame the launch for the switch has been marred by controversy about the game packaging erroneously stating that "up to 13GB storage required for game download" and that internet connectivity was required. Also lots of complaints about the pricing for this game ($59.95USD when WiiU "Nintendo Selects" version has been $20 for around a year now). I'm in Australia and will pay RRP $89.95AUD for LCU + RRP $469 for the switch itself if I buy at launch. I might be able to find a good sale but not anytime soon - and considering how hard-to-find the switch still is at retail, I don't like my chances of being able to play this on release day (set for 12th of April for the switch but April 5th for PS4 and Xbox One)!

Link to article explaining download/internet connectivity mistakes on packaging : http://m.au.ign.com/articles/2017/03/28/wb-comments-on-lego-city-undercover-switch-download
I never played this, not so fond of the Lego games, but I saw this and thought "hey, wasn't that on Wii U?". This is pretty much just the confimation to me that "yes, it was on Wii U".

Makes sense that some exclusives would get ported from the Wii U looking at the sales, but the Switch looks to be doing the same thing PS4/Xbone did in the early years which everybody criticized them for: "all ports/remasters".
Yeah it was a WiiU exclusive and was designed for that console. It used the gamepad beautifully!

Lego City Undercover is in a league of it's own but it's more like a GTA game than a lego one. I know lego games aren't for everyone and can be tediously repetitive and dull, but LCU avoids those problems. Long load times were the only complaint I saw for the original aside from lack of local co-op.
is co-op the only new feature? from what I understand that's all there is (besides maybe better graphics??).... there's gotta be something else since they're charging more than what the game originally cost on Wii U (which was $50)

I wish a new version of the game was in the works instead of this copy-paste from Wii U. don't get me wrong, I loved the game but I want to see the city expanded greatly, because for an open world game it was on the small side; not even a 1/4 the size of botw. lol
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is co-op the only new feature? from what I understand that's all there is (besides maybe better graphics??).... there's gotta be something else since they're charging more than what the game originally cost on Wii U (which was $50)

I wish a new version of the game was in the works instead of this copy-paste from Wii U. don't get me wrong, I loved the game but I want to see the city expanded greatly, because for an open world game it was on the small side; not even a 1/4 the size of botw. lol

Improved load times and perhaps some new cameos/costumes although I haven't seen anything confirmed. That's all I know of. I'd much rather have had a whole new game, but maybe if this re-release does well enough that will be in the works? I can hope!

Speaking of Lego games, I wouldn't mind given Lego World a shot.

Ya my partner just downloaded that and started messing around. He made me a gingerbread house and some candy canes!

i hate the look of lego games heh

They're not for everyone. :)
I'm not a fan of Lego games personally, and it doesn't grab my attention.
The fact that they're selling a port of a 4 year old game at full price, and probably cheapened out on larger capacity cards (henceforth the 13GB patch) is also a big turnoff.
I've played this extensively and finished everything 100%. It's one of my favorite games on Wii U. I'm curious about how multiplayer works so I might get this again on Switch. I just don't like that it's fully priced, but whatever. It still looks fun :)
I'm totally done with LEGO games. I had a good time with the Star Wars ones like 10 years ago, but I have no desire to ever play one again.
I'm not a fan of Lego games personally, and it doesn't grab my attention.
The fact that they're selling a port of a 4 year old game at full price, and probably cheapened out on larger capacity cards (henceforth the 13GB patch) is also a big turnoff.

Fair enough :)

I've played this extensively and finished everything 100%. It's one of my favorite games on Wii U. I'm curious about how multiplayer works so I might get this again on Switch. I just don't like that it's fully priced, but whatever. It still looks fun :)

Yes the local co-op is definitely the big reason we're getting it - I thought we were waiting to get it on the switch but my partner has been counting down the hours all day til he can download it on steam... I guess we're not waiting lol.

That's awesome @amanda1983 :D

Yes! It looks so cool, I can't wait til we have time to sit down together and play around with it properly. Although given we haven't finished the new Lego Dimensions stuff (he buys all of the packs, because of course he does..) and he's counting down until he can get us LCU on steam, that may take some time. So many good games to play!

I'm totally done with LEGO games. I had a good time with the Star Wars ones like 10 years ago, but I have no desire to ever play one again.

We started with Lego Marvel and then he got the older ones. I can't stand Star Wars and especially Indiana Jones - which is essentially unplayable in local co-op - just because the later games are naturally less glitchy and finicky. Those old ones definitely work best as single player games, and that's not really fun for me (except LCU of course).
Out of curiosity did anyone pickup Lego City Undercover? I'm curious about how it's running and whether or not it needs a SD for extra installation data.
Out of curiosity did anyone pickup Lego City Undercover? I'm curious about how it's running and whether or not it needs a SD for extra installation data.

We got the steam version for PC as soon as it launched. That was, in hindsight, a mistake : https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/04/05/lego-city-undercover-bugs

... It took a full day for the essential patch to arrive to get the initial game playable. I love the game, and wanted to love this release, but it was a rough beginning. It's been running pretty smoothly since then, at least.

From what I've read, the switch doesn't *need* an SD card but if installing a digital copy then putting it onto the card instead of internal memory will cut down on load times. When my partner and I get around to getting switches and LCU (yes, we will despite the issues - I love this game too much to skip it), we're going to do it that way.

Lots of discussion in the comments here : http://www.nintendolife.com/news/20...ver_still_has_ridiculous_load_times_on_switch
Ive played lego city undercover the chase begins for the 3ds. It was fun but kinda bland over all :p
We got the steam version for PC as soon as it launched. That was, in hindsight, a mistake : https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/04/05/lego-city-undercover-bugs

... It took a full day for the essential patch to arrive to get the initial game playable. I love the game, and wanted to love this release, but it was a rough beginning. It's been running pretty smoothly since then, at least.

From what I've read, the switch doesn't *need* an SD card but if installing a digital copy then putting it onto the card instead of internal memory will cut down on load times. When my partner and I get around to getting switches and LCU (yes, we will despite the issues - I love this game too much to skip it), we're going to do it that way.

Lots of discussion in the comments here : http://www.nintendolife.com/news/20...ver_still_has_ridiculous_load_times_on_switch
Disappointing to learn that the load times is disappointing across the board here based off the comments, I would have thought this would have been handled much better.
I can also confirm that the Switch version doesn't need an SD card or a big 13 gb installation though it'll prompt you to update the game (it's only less than 500 mb). The "Internet required" written on the cover was a misprint.
I have the game on Wii U and even though the load times are a pain, the Switch version seems to have the same waiting time for loading. The new version of Lego City seems to have redid some of the character models when I thought they were just fine and somehow made them worse.

I'm happy with my Wii U and the games I do have for it. Same goes for Lego City and I doubt I'd repurchase it for another platform.