Senior Member
Anyone else played this on the WiiU and loved it? Are you considering getting it for the switch (whether you've played it already or not)?
I loved the original Lego City Undercover on the WiiU, it's still my absolute favourite game aside from the AC series. I've been trying not to get too excited about the re-release for the switch since I was holding off on getting that until the next AC is announced for it.
But. My partner just found out it has (local only, I assume) co-op and he's now keen for us to play. We normally play lego games using splitscreen mode on the WiiU and he just didn't enjoy playing LCU as a single player title as much as I did. Now *he's* really excited but I'm a bit apprehensive about how I'll cope with playing on a different controller and console setup. I'm so glad though that it got updated to include co-op, that should always have been there, and I'm happy it's getting released on other platforms so more people can play this awesome game.
It's a shame the launch for the switch has been marred by controversy about the game packaging erroneously stating that "up to 13GB storage required for game download" and that internet connectivity was required. Also lots of complaints about the pricing for this game ($59.95USD when WiiU "Nintendo Selects" version has been $20 for around a year now). I'm in Australia and will pay RRP $89.95AUD for LCU + RRP $469 for the switch itself if I buy at launch. I might be able to find a good sale but not anytime soon - and considering how hard-to-find the switch still is at retail, I don't like my chances of being able to play this on release day (set for 12th of April for the switch but April 5th for PS4 and Xbox One)!
Link to article explaining download/internet connectivity mistakes on packaging :
I loved the original Lego City Undercover on the WiiU, it's still my absolute favourite game aside from the AC series. I've been trying not to get too excited about the re-release for the switch since I was holding off on getting that until the next AC is announced for it.
But. My partner just found out it has (local only, I assume) co-op and he's now keen for us to play. We normally play lego games using splitscreen mode on the WiiU and he just didn't enjoy playing LCU as a single player title as much as I did. Now *he's* really excited but I'm a bit apprehensive about how I'll cope with playing on a different controller and console setup. I'm so glad though that it got updated to include co-op, that should always have been there, and I'm happy it's getting released on other platforms so more people can play this awesome game.
It's a shame the launch for the switch has been marred by controversy about the game packaging erroneously stating that "up to 13GB storage required for game download" and that internet connectivity was required. Also lots of complaints about the pricing for this game ($59.95USD when WiiU "Nintendo Selects" version has been $20 for around a year now). I'm in Australia and will pay RRP $89.95AUD for LCU + RRP $469 for the switch itself if I buy at launch. I might be able to find a good sale but not anytime soon - and considering how hard-to-find the switch still is at retail, I don't like my chances of being able to play this on release day (set for 12th of April for the switch but April 5th for PS4 and Xbox One)!
Link to article explaining download/internet connectivity mistakes on packaging :