Are there any new species of Villager that you would like to see in the next game?


Guava Purveyor
Sep 11, 2014
San Goiaba
Orange (Fruit)
Animal Crossing has a large number of different kinds of animal villagers but are there any species you would like to see in particular? I would like to see aardvark, armadillo, and hyena villagers. :) I would also like to see more variety in bird villagers (like parrots and vultures for birds) and cow villagers (like Brahman and Highland cows).
Rats. They'd be a bit bigger than mice with smaller ears but longer tails. I'm sure they could do some interesting things with them.

And shark villagers.
Lemurs and plesiosaurs. I want King Julian in my game (the lemur, not the unicorn, but the unicorn is awesome, too).
I think it might be cool to have insect villagers, like beetles or butterflies, moths, ladybugs, caterpillars. Big sparkly eyes and antennae and cool wings. But that's not an animal.

I would love some chinchilla villagers! They'd have cute big ears and fluffy tails.
maybe some gang rats that work with redd? i would really like to see some more lizards, most with a smug/cranky/snooty personality.
BAAAAATS. They could look soooo cool in the games *___*

Oh my gosh, yes! The same size as hamsters but with these adorable big eyes and omfg i'm inspired now

I'd like to see more unicorns/horses but I know they already exist, so I'll go with pegasi. And satyrs (i think), I imagine them being like taller goats. x)
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Oh my gosh, yes! The same size as hamsters but with these adorable big eyes and omfg i'm inspired now

I'd like to see more unicorns/horses but I know they already exist, so I'll go with pegasi. And satyrs (i think), I imagine them being like taller goats. x)

satyrs would be so cool but don't you think that could kinda.. freak out younger players? :c then again that all depends on the character design xD
it depends xD i honestly only expect them to look something like chevre or nan but taller :)
Bats, turtles, and platypi would be good. I'd be interested in seeing how the latter are executed. Like probably adorable but yknow.

Not so much a species, but I'd like if dogs had pointy-ear varieties.