Are there any sites you got banned from?

No, but on neopets I was scared I would lose my account after I had an "argument" on the neoboards /cough/
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To be honest I'm surprised I haven't been banned from here
Well, I know this thread is pretty dead:

There is a ban my sister got that was pretty funny:

My sister is young and is still learning how to spell. On roblox she was playing this role-playing family game where you ask people to be your cat, be your mother etc. It's just for the fun of the game. When she was playing she saw everyone else saying that, and then she found a baby and since she did not know how to spell "baby" she thought it was spelled "babe" so she asked the user, "do you want to be my babe" She was off roblox for a while and then when she tried to log in, it wouldn't let her. I checked her account on the computer and it said she was banned for a week when she was offline for saying "do you want to be my babe" She has her account now, but it was pretty funny when she what she was banned for. I actually took a screeb shot of the picture when she was banned and if I ever get a chance, I will show it as it's pretty funny xD
I had loads of accounts frozen on Neopets, lololol.

I got my moms account banned a few years back. She uses mine now.

I've been banned 6-7 times on somethingawful, every time being absolutely worth it. I've also been banned on TBT before. Other than that I've been pretty non-intrusive so no one really catches on if I do something, or it's not bad enough to be a bannable offense.

Also I just realized the post date and bump date. ...I guess if it sparks conversation it's fine. No one report it please.
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I've left a lot of forums on my own and even had an account closed somewhere at my request, but I've never been banned.
I got banned from a Habbo fansite for calling out one of their staff members for being a site jumper, which for those who don't know a site jumper is a individual who goes to one site to work at then immediately jumps to another and then chooses to jump to another, which believe it or not is a big deal within the fansite realm as it can cause issues with staff reliability. So I pointed out that it was a bad idea to hire this person as Manager, as they jump around sites too often, they told me to let it go but I didn't. It's alright though, as I was proven right as he left late that week and tried to return to the site I was manager at, and I didn't re-hire him.
I was banned from these a long time ago:

Club Penguin (Reason: Spelled "HELL" with campfires in my igloo/banned forever)
Webkinz (Reason: Inappropriate food conversation/48 hour ban)
I got banned from a pokemon site (forgot what it's called now that they've changed it) for making more than one trade thread. I'm surprised that I haven't been banned from gamefaqs yet for harassment/flaming. The ACNL board there made me so frustrated due to all the stupid crap people pulled.
I've only been banned from Neopets. I normally don't like to break rules. I kept naming my pet "Yoloswagginkins66666" and stuff related to that.

Edit: I was banned from a minecraft server because I wouldn't "date" the 12 year old admin.
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I was never permanently banned from any site, but the closest case I've came cross was being temporarily "gagged" (equivalent of temporarily banned) was from the community of Creatures Cave. This is one is involved with all games from the Creatures franchise.

All I did was linking from an unmoderated forum that I've accidentally stumbled on, which contained legit files of Norn species that weren't previously available in the main game. I was normally supposed to buy them from the official online store, but I've managed to get them elsewhere for free. I had no idea that this sort of thing was considered illegal because capitalism, so I brought these links to Creatures Cave and that other Creatures community. A day or two later, they were gone and the staff from the former issued me a week-long ban, while the other simply warned me. I had no idea this would happen, especially because I was 8 years old at that point.
I got banned from PKMN once, as "zorro1", I think.
The next ban was on YouChew, oddly. Apparently, they don't take spamming well.
Later, I got banned from Brawl in the Forums, for the same YouChew reason.
I'm IP banned from gamefaqs, idk why because I never even had an account, I only went on to read Animal Crossing threads.
I once was banned from neopets because my username was "cherrypopper" and apparently that's dirty..... wasn't meant to be though.

Also banned from the same site because somebody messaged me asking if I wanted their account and then reported me when I said sure....

Neopets is tough man....

& Club Penguin for trolling, lol.
It's tooeasy there are so many little kids its hilarious.
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i got banned from like club penguin when i was 6 i think ;) i was so bad I'm pretty sure i said the word crap or something lol