Are there any sites you got banned from?

I was banned on Animal Jam which I do not play anymore not becuz of that one time on my extra account for telling my friend IRL my phone number, I did not really care since it was an extra and had nothing on it
I once was banned from neopets because my username was "cherrypopper" and apparently that's dirty..... wasn't meant to be though.

Also banned from the same site because somebody messaged me asking if I wanted their account and then reported me when I said sure....

Neopets is tough man....

& Club Penguin for trolling, lol.
It's tooeasy there are so many little kids its hilarious.

I got banned from League of Legends, lmao I went to the toilet mid game and got an afk ban
I got banned from League of Legends, lmao I went to the toilet mid game and got an afk ban

I should of been banned from League tbh. I used to play League with my boyfriend, and he'd get so mad at me, because i would always cost the team victory. They should of known when someone named "GhettoNugget" joined the game
Could be possible, but I don't remember '-'
Well, I almost got banned last year on a German ACNL website because I was speaking about this site here because it's easier to get villagers here... no wonder that I left that site.
It's nonsense.
We weren't allowed to speak about other websites, doesn't matter what topic this site was about. You couldn't even give advice over sites with nice acnl pathways. It was so stupid . . .
oHH MAN. I have some stories from my younger years.
  • I was working with Habbo a while back trying to lure out predators (ie people that would ask younger children to RP porn with them in private chat, which happens pretty darn often on that website). One time, I had a third party with me just to spectate and the person we baited actually ended up reporting him. He was temporarily suspended until the mods figured out that he was with me and was not another offender. He was pretty mad, but it was funny for the time he was suspended. The person we were trying to bait actually never reported me, which was even funnier.
  • I've also been suspended from Neo a huge amount of times back when Neo used to do suspensions (I think they just remove you from forums now? I don't know). I broke innocent rules like hosting giveaways in guilds and other dumb stuff like that. I think the longest my account was banned for was a week, which was pretty upsetting for my ten 8-year-old self. I'm pretty sure if I make any new infractions on my one account, I'll probably be iced due to my past 5 suspensions, even though I haven't gotten in trouble since like 2006 :)
  • Last story here is kinda a whopper. I wasn't so much banned as eventually isolated from a site and forced to leave because nobody would acknowledge me. I was friends with a few members on a more personal level and one of my friends got aggravated at me and posted one of my facebook replies to them where I mentioned that I wasn't very friendly with a particular mod. This drove that mod up the wall, as she happened to think that were we close (?? still baffles me to this day) and even though I only said that her and I weren't friends and nothing terrible about her, she began to despise me and post rude things about me. As she was a pretty powerful mod, other users began to ignore me because they didn't wan't to get on her bad side. Pretty messy!
i got banned from /r/pokemontrades for deciding to focus on my life and break my pokemon addiciton
i left like three trades undone(they were like one-two 5IV pokemon each) and they permabanned me
Banned from MLPforums. I am glad, those moderators were a bunch a little Hitlers.

Which one? MLPTP or the Arena? I'm active on the Arena. I also have an account at MLPTP, but I don't like that site as much. I can't remember the last time I logged in. Someone new took over last year, I think, and it looked junky to me when I saw the "improvements."
Never been banned, really. Well, technically once I was banned - from a friend's personal ezboards forum after things between us went a little sour, lol. That's it. Closest thing I can think of is maybe when your guild revokes access to their private boards after you leave or transfer servers in an MMO, but that's still not really a ban.

I've had spats here and there but nothing worth suspending an account over. Any website or forum worth its salt will warn you for breaking a rule before they outright ban you, imo, so yeah, it's just... never happened.
LOL Neopets banned my one account. But that's about it.
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Nah. I never stay active enough on sites to get banned.
Neopets deactivated and deleted my old account, but that was from me not logging in for a very long time, and I don't know the birthday I used for that.
I've never gotten banned from any website! The only time I ever got banned was from my old friend's old xat chat back in 2006. xD
I got a temp ban on a neopets account and I think also on Habbo Hotel but other than that I dont think I've really ever been banned haha. I try very hard to follow a sites rules and be friendly and courteous to everyone ouo
I got banned from gaggle, basically my school's e-mail system, for swearing in the chat lol.
When I was little I got banned from club penguin because I said lettuce....