For the most part, I am a homebody. I love to go out on day trips on a reasonable basis. I even really like to run errands with my dad to go to the store. Being stuck at home for too long at a time is not good for my mental health. Or anyone's for that matter.
With that being said, I am not a fan of vacations and just bull**** that involves being away over night. I mean, it can be fun; there are some good memories to be made, but for the most part, it is just not for me...I find it to be overrated, actually. My dad claims he is a homebody, but I don't know if I quite believe him sometimes. Thankfully, he doesn't really do this to us anymore, but when we were still living in our old town, my dad would look for an excuse to coop us up into an a hotel all because of a little rain. I freaking hated those times, let me tell you. We wouldn't even do anything fun...
I was (unfortunately) born into a family who loves vacations. My grandparents from my dad's side are retired and they take vacations all the time. There have been many times where my grandparents (my dad's parents) have dragged on vacation with them. I mean, I've had some fun, but still...
I just don't understand normal people and their constant desire for traveling, vacations, and adventure. I don't understand why people would leave the comfort of their own home and sleep with family (sometimes) in unusual places. I just want to be where I am comfortable. I want to jam out in my room without worrying about being a disturbance. I want to work on my writing while listening to awesome music. I want to spend my pass time playing my favorite video games. I want to go out back on my porch swing and stargaze/moongaze, as I do on most clear nights. I want to eat my favorite meals while watching my favorite YouTube/TV stuff. I want to sleep alone, in the comfort of my own the comfort of my own room.
I remember I was basically shamed back in August 2016 for not really liking vacations. My parents gave me excuses like "You don't go to school anymore" (I had just graduated high school). And accusations like "You isolate yourself in your room."
And the worst part dad (and even my mom to some extent) have shown no shame in forcing my to be dragged halfway across the country to California or to Virginia; my dad hasn't done it, but he wants to. He should save his vacation days for sporting events with my brother. Don't even get me started on my dad discussing vacationing at California during a pandemic...
I am not saying people shouldn't take vacations; if they make you happy, then by all means! Take a vacation regularly! I just have a problem with people dragging their family members along against their will.
I mean, I love eating out, but I barely have an appetite during vacations, so it is not not as good as it is when I am just chilling at the house.
Man, I cannot wait until I am independent enough to live on my own. I will make my life as relaxing, comfortable, and convenient as possible. I will avoid this rigmarole like the bubonic plague.