Are you a homebody?

Yes, I prefer staying at home than going out. There are many reasons why but I'll share one and that's that I have an introverted personality. My social battery gets low more quickly so yes staying home and doing activities there is better for me.
Absolutely, yes. Despite how long my posts are on here and how verbose I can be through text, I'm an introvert in person and don't really enjoy talking verbally unless necessary.

That's not to say I don't enjoy going out and doing stuff, I do, but I definitely do have a preference toward being more home-oriented.
for the most part, yes. despite the fact that my home is often a stressful and turbulent environment to be in, it’s also the place that i feel the safest and most comfortable in— my bedroom specifically. my room is my safe space, it’s where i’m able to engage in my hobbies and interests without being worried about being perceived or judged, and i can just chill, do whatever i want, and be myself in the comfort of being in my own company and having privacy. i never do anything weird or that i’d be shamed/get in trouble for doing, i’m just always so anxious of being judged that i feel more at ease when i’m by myself, where the only person who can judge me is me lol

that being said, i do enjoy going out, especially when my home environment gets to be too much. i don’t feel at ease when i’m by myself in public since i’m always terrified of something happening, so i prefer to go out with others if possible, but i have been trying to become more comfortable with going places by myself! my favourite places to go are usually malls, movie theatres, parks and cafes, but honestly even going to a store by myself and just browsing is fun haha
I think I've definitely been becoming more of a homebody. I like going out on hikes and whatnot, but staying overnight somewhere that isn't my own home always makes me very homesick. What a shame.
I am, yeah. I feel most comfortable at home and there's plenty here to entertain myself with, so I never feel the need to go out and do stuff at all. Being able to WFH has definitely been beneficial for me as well in that regard. I'll still make time to go out for a drive at least once a week just to spent a bit of time away from home, mind you.
I would 1000% prefer to stay at home than go out. I just don’t care to go out anymore. Most people know that if they want to see me, they’re coming to my house.
I LOVE going out on day trips, to grocery shop, to go to the arcade, etc. Hell, even going out to San Antonio in 2019 and Lubbock in 2021 (which aren't too far from where I live) to go to appointments that my dad had were pretty fun. No overnight BS. ^_^ The only thing that kinda stressed me out about the Lubbock 2021 one was...well, my dad mentioning about a long-ass vacation he is considering. Funnily enough the reason was a possible vacation, one halfway across the country too... ._.

Speaking of, vacations and overnight things are ass and can **** right off (no offense to people who like them, I am saying this for myself). My paternal grandparents LOVE taking vacations and has forced me into the rigmarole as well as my grandma convincing my dad to take me and my brother out to California and vacations more often in general, which I live in Texas. Yeah. ._.

I get it. She thinks I should get out of the house more often. I agree with her. I AM a homebody, but I do have my limits. But she is completely unaware to my dislike of vacations. She just doesn't understand that people like me do not like to be out of comfort zone. What I need are DAY TRIPS, or to get out of the house for a few hours to run errands. Vacations are just too much. Not only that, but it is stressful to pack...there is just so much I hate about vacations I can sit here and go on about. NTM, having to go to the bathroom, but you don't don't when the next one will turn up. I HAAATE THAT! -.-

I wish I can just tell my grandma the truth... .___. I really wish I can convince her that day trips are MUCH more up my alley and vacations just are not for me. If I would have known she has had (or was later going to have) a part in convincing my dad to take me and my brother to California, I would have spoken up and would have been like "Nooooo!!" about it when my dad was telling her about the plan and then her encouraging him last year (which I believe was September 22, 2022).
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I'm comfortable at home, I'm shy and anxious, but I also like to make experiences. I really enjoy a day where I just get to be home and not do anything, but a week of that is just so boring to me now.
I spend more time at home because it's difficult for me to navigate the city by myself, but I love taking opportunities to get out of the house when I can (e.g.: afternoon walks, window shopping, cafés, dog parks).
Definitely a homebody. My family often complains about it. I can’t help it though. All of my hobbies are indoor and can be done individually.

The town that I live in doesn’t help either. It’s hot half of year, the parks are dung, you would need Facebook to stay informed, and everything is far away. So if I want to do something outside then I will have to commit to the time and money spent going outside.
Hmm, I think so, for the most part?

I don't love going out in dense crowds (e.g. shopping mall) or large social gatherings (which I do feel guilty about, because my colleagues are very much the opposite, and plan a lot of activities outside of work). My workload can be really heavy, and I have a limited social battery (excuses lol). 🥹

I don't hate being outside in general though lol. I'm happy to run outside, walk/hike in the forest/national park, go to the beach, etc. 😊
I used to be, but now I get out at least once a day most days. My mental health is much better doing that and it makes me feel like I’m not wasting my life away anymore.
I have to stay home. My parents don't want me to get kidnapped by a creep, so this is their way of protecting me. I'd like to go out more sometime though.