Are you a homebody?

Yes. I literally never go out unless I have to (ex. work). I'm a habitual plan-canceler too.
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I mostly stay real reason to go outside.
I prefer to be at home where it's quiet, safe, and warm. If I go out I feel too vulnerable, almost like I've got a target on my back.

I'm absolutely a homebody. I like to go walking in my back yard (it's nice and wooded, but right behind the wooded area is a popular church, so I don't go to far out). I'm a fan of quiet activities, I get a sensory over-load when there's too much noise or activity. I attend my two favorite conventions each year as my BIG social activities. Those are really fun but also very overwhelming (and hella expensive) so I don't do them often and frequently regret when I try to go to more than two in a year. I love being around specific people who've made it into my comfort zone. Being around my Fiance' for a great deal of the day is wonderful, but I don't mind just sitting quietly curled up in a blanket either...
Honestly, I'm happiest when it's early fall so the temperature is nice and cool and the smell of leaves are strong in the air-- All the spring flowers and greenery are still vibrant and alive, but getting ready to sleep for the cold weather. I leave my window open, curl up in a blanket with some calming music (I really like Bob Acri's Sleep Away), a nice warm cup of rose tea, my animals around me (a bunny, four rats, and a kitty) a comfy nighty or flowy dress... And I just sit curled up in front of my window to play animal crossing. It's so nice... I don't mind leaving every now and then for a social gathering or if I have to go grocery shopping, but home is best to me. <3

i mean i kinda have to be since i live in the middle of no where rn so even if i go out with friends i just stay at their houses lol but yeah i would never go out alone but i love going out when i can so idk
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It depends. I like to stay home and do my own thing but sometimes I'll get really fidgety and need to go outside, not necessarily to hang out with someone but just to walk and feel the breeze haha. But depending on the person I can hang out with them for ages. Generally I rather stay home though.
Yes, but not by choice right now.

My workload is insane and I feel like I have no free time lately. And I'm paying my tuition costs up front right now so RIP bank account. No time and no money to go out.
Do you enjoy being at home, or do you like to always go out and do something? or a mix of both.

I'm primarily a homebody and people always find it weird. I don't like going out alone so any time I go out it's with my boyfriend. Going out alone gives me anxiety. But I'm not the adventurous type, that's my boyfriend's role kinda lol
He's the one to get me out and see new places.

But I honestly enjoy being at home, watching youtube videos, anime, reading books, manga, or playing video games.
I obviously cook, clean and do everything a housewife does (I'm a stay at home mom), but people always act like I'm supposed to be throwing myself in a forest and finding new land or some ish lol

This is pretty much me exactly. I never go out unless it's with my hubby and I'm much happier just staying at home with my furbabies, video games, and books.
Im a little bit of both id say.
I obviously have to go out to work, although when im at work i want to be a home lol.
But i do like going out and seeing my friends, as they live quite far from me and we all have different work hours sometimes its hard to meet up. But its nice when we do and we have a good time.

But id say id love to be at home more, especially after work, i get into comfy pj bottoms (having on muddy, slobbery dog trousers isnt comfortable lol) and chill, watch youtube videos, go on my ds etc.

I think i have a good balance of both.
a mix of both, i think. if i'm out with people i don't really like, or if i'm at work, or if i'm just overly tired, all i want to do is go home. but if i'm with my boyfriend (whether it's at home or out somewhere) i'd go anywhere tbh. sounds super lame and i didn't really mean it to sound all romantic lmao but it really just depends on who i'm with
I'm mostly at home but if I go out and do something it's usually by myself.
I honestly hate going out. I hate going out to work, I hate going out to see friends, I hate going out to run errands... I honestly just wanna stay at home all the time and enjoy my indoor hobbies, lol. Once in a while, when the weather's nice, I'll get the urge to go outside. But that doesn't happen very often. XD
The only time I like going out if it's for something worthwhile, like traveling or going out to the movies and/or dinner. Otherwise, I have the time of my life in the comfort of my own room.
Oh yes very much so! You are quite unlikely to get me out of my house to do anything social. All of my hobbies are indoor or can be indoor: video games, drawing, reading, crochet, loom knitting, cross stitch. Plus my kitty is inside! <3

In general though I get uncomfortable in crowded and loud places, so going out usually doesn't appeal to me.