Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?

Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?

  • Introvert

    Votes: 110 62.9%
  • Extrovert

    Votes: 13 7.4%
  • Ambivert

    Votes: 52 29.7%

  • Total voters
100% introvert pretty much. Especially as a kid, I enjoyed my own space waaayyy too much that I'd make up random excuses to not have my friend come over. I was pretty bad at making friends too as I was extremely shy. Nowadays, I'm pretty okay when it comes to social interaction. I can handle short conversations about random things, and as long as it stays short I'm okay. But I still get drained very easily having too much social interaction and do still like my own space.
Definitely an introvert. It's funny when people don't believe I am one though; I guess I can portray myself as outgoing/extroverted if I'm in that kind of mood.
I used to consider myself an extrovert, but as I have gotten older, I found that I became more introvert in nature. I can talk to strangers like it is no one's business, but I don't strive for friendship or like going to social gatherings a ton (I know, I'm weird lol). Due to that, I would say that I am an ambivert since I see myself as a balance between the 2. :)
Introvert and I absolutely hate it. I'm extremely jealous of extroverts and the privileges they got.
Usually an introvert. I get really tired in social settings, especially when I'm somewhere I'd rather not be. But, when I'm with good friends having a good time, I'll feel really happy. Also, if I isolate myself too much, I'll end up feeling really lonely and will crave human interaction.
Introvert for sure. I also have had social anxiety since I was a kid so that may be a major factor. I just cannot handle too much social interaction for too long without getting drained. It doesn't matter if it's family either. I also just enjoy being alone a lot and doing my own things. I have always been a bit of a loner since I was a kid. But I still get lonely sometimes and want to talk to someone. Everyone gets lonely from time to time though.
95% introvert 5% extrovert. I?m shy and quiet around people I?m not familiar and good friends with. Same with family members I don?t see frequently. However, I?m somewhat extroverted when I?m with my best friends and my parents :3
Ambivert. In most cases IRL I'm very introverted but with certain people, you would never guess I wasn't an extrovert. I saw my best friends over the summer and they were shocked that I was so extroverted with them, despite telling them I'm quite introverted. Equally, my family was shocked when I told them how extroverted I was with my besties during my vacation trip.
Introvert, cause I can do without human interaction. At work, I dont talk to certain people, I'll ignore them or if they say hi to me, I just say a quick cold hi back then go on with my day. I ignore strangers who approach me and I don't try to make friends.
Introvert until I?m comfortable with someone, then I?m really outgoing! I?m friendly and kind to everyone but I?m usually quite when around others I don?t know. It?s just the way I am, but to friends I can be much different
I guess ambivert? I never talk to people first, but if you talk to me I'm very nice and can have a lot to say :lemon: But i also need to have someone i can bounce off of when we talk, if you're boring then i cant bounce off of that and idk what to say. I always kinda thought I was introverted cause I'm so quiet, but I'm actually very talkative to the right people :lemon: But I haven't talked to anyone outside my house for a few years now LOL so im probably a little crazy, whoops!
I am very introverted. It takes so much energy for me to deal with people, including family and friends who I'm close to. I want to enjoy spending time with them, but instead I always end up dreading it and feeling drained after a very short time.
Yeah introvert as well. I never talk to anyone outside. I just can't make the words come out so I don't talk at all. Find interactions of any sort to be too tiring and not worth it usually. But do get lonely a lot after not talking to anyone but have always been like this. Rather just be alone unless it's someone I'm close to. It would be nice to make new friends but no one ever approaches so it will never be. But yeah definitely an introvert unless we're close but even then would rather be alone most of the time.