Pokémon Are you guys excited for New Pokemon Snap?

How much (max) would you pay for New Pokemon Snap? (USD)

  • $60

    Votes: 10 28.6%
  • $50

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • $40

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • $30

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • $20 or less

    Votes: 12 34.3%

  • Total voters


⛧Roxie of Avalar⛧
Aug 23, 2014
Heart of the Forest
Lily of the Valley
Enchanted Bloom
Lily of the Valley
Aurora Sky
Purple Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment
I've been waiting of this game for years, I thought for sure we would get a sequel/remake when the Wii U came out because the game pad seemed like it could have added a fun almost AR mechanic to the game, maybe if the console had sold better...
I'm glad it's not being developed by Game Freak, but by the developers of the original Pokémon snap, Hal Laboratory.

What are your hopes/expectations for the game?
What mechanics/ Pokemon would you like to see in New Snap?

Edit: It seems like a lot wouldn't pay full price for the game so I added a poll about it for fun :p
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I want to be excited for it, and I truly think it looks like an adorable game, but I can't get around the $60 price tag. The gameplay seems fairly limited which makes me hesitant to purchase it. I'd definitely consider it if it goes on sale, though! The Pokemon themselves are my favorite part of the games, so I'm definitely interested in that aspect.
I want to be excited for it, and I truly think it looks like an adorable game, but I can't get around the $60 price tag. The gameplay seems fairly limited which makes me hesitant to purchase it. I'd definitely consider it if it goes on sale, though! The Pokemon themselves are my favorite part of the games, so I'm definitely interested in that aspect.
Yeah I can definitely see that $60 is a lot, I hope it has a lot more levels and Pokemon than the original, they have so many more to choose from now.
Looks like it could be fun. I've grown a bit tired of main series Pokémon right now, but I still enjoy the franchise so any spinoffs are nice. $60 is a lot though, so I'll wait for reviews before buying it.
Looks like it could be fun. I've grown a bit tired of main series Pokémon right now, but I still enjoy the franchise so any spinoffs are nice. $60 is a lot though, so I'll wait for reviews before buying it.
Yeah Sword and Shied really bummed me out, they were just so linear and the wild area got old after about 20 minutes.
It would be really cool if the levels in New Snap had branching pathways, so it's not the same exact path everytime you play the same level
I’m very excited. I may have to wait until my birthday to get it since I have no money. Still, my birthday is at the end of May, so not too big of a wait.

I really loved the original (still bitter and sad my sister sold it along with my other n64 and GC and gameboy games back in high school for a system she ended up rarely using). While I definitely look forward to seeing new pokemon in it, I hope some of the ones from the original will be in it like Mew, Vulpix, Charmander, ditto to name a few. I hope to see other favorites as well wooper & quagsire, mudkip, riolu and lucario, dialga, and more. Would love more areas than in the original to visit.

I have no expectations—don’t want to set them too high and be disappointed.
I’m very excited. I may have to wait until my birthday to get it since I have no money. Still, my birthday is at the end of May, so not too big of a wait.

I really loved the original (still bitter and sad my sister sold it along with my other n64 and GC and gameboy games back in high school for a system she ended up rarely using). While I definitely look forward to seeing new pokemon in it, I hope some of the ones from the original will be in it like Mew, Vulpix, Charmander, ditto to name a few. I hope to see other favorites as well wooper & quagsire, mudkip, riolu and lucario, dialga, and more. Would love more areas than in the original to visit.

I have no expectations—don’t want to set them too high and be disappointed.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, there's so many fun things they could do with the concept that I doubt they're going to implement. I don't think there's anything they could do to completely ruin the game for me though.
I love and still have the 64 game, but I canceled a preorder I put in a few months ago. I can't justify $60 for it. I also don't know the Pokemon past gen 2. I stopped playing after gold/silver/crystal and stopped watching somewhere during Johto Journeys. So, I am not actually super hyped about it. I can see why some people are for sure!
Yeah! I've tried the 64 version as a kid and didn't really... get it I guess? I found myself not really progressing. But this one I'm really excited for and want to try it out. It may not be a day one purchase though, but sometime this year for sure!
I am but a bit annoyed it'll be released the end of April. I feel like this is a common notion for Nintendo to announce the month to only be the last day of the month. Okay, just say early May.

Buut, it looks cool and I am more excited for the screenshot sharing, lol.

I am but a bit annoyed it'll be released the end of April. I feel like this is a common notion for Nintendo to announce the month to only be the last day of the month. Okay, just say early May.

Buut, it looks cool and I am more excited for the screenshot sharing, lol.

Haha I never thought about it like that but you're not wrong.
I'm definitely going to buy some sticker paper and print my own stickers
it looks SO CUTE i love the graphics and everything, it looks magical ; o ; but sadly it doesn't look like i'll be able to buy it any time soon, i really wish it was cheaper hhhh
As someone who didn’t grow up with the original, I’m eagerly awaiting this sequel! It’s definitely one of the most graphically impressive games on the Switch. The animations, textures, and lighting are all sublime!
I never cared about Snap but l know for sure the people who played the original are and people who just enjoy taking pictures. I still think the game should be 10$ less.
Honestly, I don't understand the appeal of just taking snapshots of pokemon. I'm happy for the people who have been waiting for this for a long time though! But here in Canada, games cost around $90 with tax and it just doesn't sound like there's enough gameplay in it to justify the price tag. And actually, even if it were cheap, I'm just not sure it's the game for me unless there was something more to it than just taking photos.
Honestly, I don't understand the appeal of just taking snapshots of pokemon. I'm happy for the people who have been waiting for this for a long time though! But here in Canada, games cost around $90 with tax and it just doesn't sound like there's enough gameplay in it to justify the price tag. And actually, even if it were cheap, I'm just not sure it's the game for me unless there was something more to it than just taking photos.
In the original game you could use a poke flute to wake some pokemon up or some would dance, you could also throw apples and "pester balls" to make pokemon interact with eachother in different ways. I'm hoping they add more items to interact with them.
Not excited for it at all and don’t plan on getting it. Just not my cup of tea. Way more excited for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl as well as Pokemon Legends: Arceus.
Not excited for it at all and don’t plan on getting it. Just not my cup of tea. Way more excited for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl as well as Pokemon Legends: Arceus.
I don't care for the character models in Pokemon D/P but I'm interested to see what they do with the remake though. I will be very disappointed if they took out the underground. Also the frame drops in the trailer for Legends make me nervous, but I love to see Game Freak trying new things so I want to support it. I'll most likely buy all three games at launch.
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Honestly, I don't understand the appeal of just taking snapshots of pokemon. I'm happy for the people who have been waiting for this for a long time though! But here in Canada, games cost around $90 with tax and it just doesn't sound like there's enough gameplay in it to justify the price tag. And actually, even if it were cheap, I'm just not sure it's the game for me unless there was something more to it than just taking photos.
This is the main reason I'm gonna pass on it. It almost feels like it should be an app game or something. I hope it turns out to be a good game for those that do buy it!
Personally, no, I'm not excited for it. I'm sure New Pokemon Snap will be a good game and tons of people will enjoy it, but the original Pokemon Snap never appealed to me and this one doesn't as well. Which is completely fine, not every game has to be catered to my interests, lol