Are you like a different person online?

I think I'm the same person online as I am in real life, but I think I'm more open online, and less tolerant of things that bug me.
when im offline i'm my lame old self but when im online im angelica of france, queen of the stars
no, not really. I curse less on this site specifically, though. Given it's an animal crossing forum, but that's about it.
I guess? I talk more online than I do in real life, but I'd say my personality is pretty much the same. You'll always get me the same way, I just have a much easier time getting my thoughts down on paper (so to speak) through text, rather excessively sometimes too.
I think this goes for everyone, but I feel a lot more "intellectual" on the internet. Not only due to anonymity, but also because I have more time to consider what I say.
It's also due to this that I feel a lot more like "me." I'm pretty awkward in real life, and due to that, I mumble a lot and will not say something just for the sake of not being noticed. I wouldn't even describe it as 2 personalities. I think my internet "persona" is just a more articulate version of my irl self.
no im pretty much the same but you dont hear me making weird noises irl, like sometimes im an ~intellectual~ and those times happen to be online