Are you multilingual?

No. I only fluently speak English and I’m not interested in changing that at the moment. I have other things I’m working on right now.
I wish. I am so in awe of anyone who can speak another language 😍

I can do school French and in German 1-20, how are you and my name. Maybe a NY resolution to learn another language 🥰
I speak English and a decent amount of French but I haven't had the opportunity to use it in a while (other than watching TV). In University I tried to learn German but apparently I only have the brain space for two languages lol. When speaking I would sometimes accidentally use French words in my German sentences. Very amusing for my professor who spoke both German and French, but just a little embarrassing for me.
Only English sadly, I took French as a GCSE subject but I only got a C grade 😖

Recently I have been wanting to learn new languages though! I started Duolingo for Japanese and I've been doing at least one lesson a day. It helps that I already knew a few words/phrases in Japanese due to visiting there and watching anime for 13 years 😅 I also want to learn Spanish soon, I think it'd be useful for travel (I plan to go to Spain next year, and I also kind of want to backpack around South America one day)
Gibberish fluent here. I'm supposed to be only fluent in French but I can't say one French sentence without mixing all other languages I learned into it and I'm not the only one in the family speaking gibberish either, so our conversations don't make any sense for others, plus my mom is partly deaf so all of us at the grocery look like:
A: Prend les pommes
B: quoi?
C: Apples
B: What?
A: Ringo
C: Sagua
B: Ok. I'm taking the bananas. (but in French)
i’m pretty fluent in english, i spent the first few years of my life in a french school but i’ve pretty much forgotten it ^^; (my ability to roll my “r”s and inability to pronounce the “th” sound stayed though lmao)

i guess i might also be fluent in urdu? i can understand the language but never speak it unless needed (which is rare as i hardly speak to my overseas relatives), i’m kinda self-conscious(?) about speaking it with my family because i’ve been speaking english at home for a long time and i just can’t bring myself to switch :’D i can mostly understand punjabi but i don’t speak it at all, it seems harder than urdu even though this one is actually supposed to be my mother tongue ;; the family has always spoken urdu with us and punjabi is more for the adults or when they’re angry lol

i’d like to learn another language (maybe japanese or arabic?), but i procrastinate a lot/get distracted easily
english, spanish, and a little french.

i can’t say how much spanish i know. my grandma is from chile and she has spoken spanish to me my whole life but i can’t speak complex sentences. i understand 100% of what she says to me in full spanish but i can’t speak it fluently, not sure how that works.

im trying to learn french now on duolingo but im still on unit 1 so as you can imagine, i can’t understand/speak much.
Not really, but I'd like to change that. English is my native language, and I'm learning Korean and Spanish. I've been learning Korean for longer, while I just started learning Spanish at the end of last March. I haven't spent much time on Korean lately though, so I think my Spanish level has surpassed my Korean level at this point
I studied Japanese for my degree but I am not exactly fluent. I can read and write and speak a bit. I would say I'm at the low end of intermediate the moment. I can converse a little in Spanish. I can read some French but not very good at speaking it, mostly reading. I find in all the languages I'm familiar with (English included) I'm better at reading and writing than comprehension and speech, lol. #JustHomeSchooledThings
My mother tongue is german and my second language is english. I learned the basics in school and the rest with english videogames, movies and TV-shows and english speaking internet pages like this one. Honestly I need so much english in my day to day life because of my hobbies.
Of course I am! 😎 I speak English and Spanish. Look, you wanna see? 😁 Ahem....

Butterflies are on the train,
mariposas mias.
Butterflies because you laugh,
riendo de cosquillas.

Butterflies between your hands,
mariposas en mis manos.
Butterflies with each embrace,
yo te quiero en mis brazos.

Butterflies inside your eyes,
mariposas azulitas.
Butterflies that sing to me,
dulces mañanitas.

When will this train ever end?
No quiero saber el fin.
Let's just catch the butterflies,
tu sentada sobre mi.
Nah, English - my native tongue - is the only language I am fluent in. I took some semesters of French, but my last time doing that was right before the pandemic so I'm rusty.

I tried to learn some German through an app. I tried to make myself do that during lunch at work, but sadly the app I was using had really bad ads that lasted forever and I got tired of that.

I'd like to know French and German. I'll likely have to take classes in one of them when I return to college.
Only English. I spent four years trying to learn Japanese off and on to no success. I tried multiple Japanese classes in high school and college, but I could never hear the pitch accent or memorize the longer scripts so my grades were terrible. People would accuse of not studying even though I spent hours reviewing the same material over and over. Grammar and new vocabulary never stuck in my brain no matter how many months I spent reviewing it. I eventually realized I hated studying it and that my brain just isn’t meant for foreign languages and I gave up.
Sadly, I mostly speak English. I wish I knew more languages! I feel that Americans are pretty lazy and get off pretty easy in that regard because many people know English. But whenever I travel, I wish I spoke more languages! My parents speak Taiwanese and also Mandarin and I wish I had practiced more, but I feel like it’s something I could pick up again someday if I really tried. I also try and learn some Spanish because there are so many Spanish speakers around, especially at work. I’m pretty basic at best, but I’ve tried to learn a few phrases at least. But when I was traveling in Spain and Portugal this summer, I tried some of my Spanish and it was abysmal. (But their command of English was so much better! It made me so ashamed that none of us knew Spanish better)

I also took a smattering of other languages, German, Latin, a year of French, and Japanese in college (and I even did a summer abroad in Japan), but I’m just very shy about practicing so it doesn’t stick too well.
only speak english. i studied french at school and remember some phrases/words here and there but i'm not fluent at all.
I can speak English, French and a little bit of Spanish. I mostly understand the last one well but can't really make my own sentences.
i’m fluent in english. i know some tagalog since i spoke it when i was younger (it went poof when we moved to the states). i can understand most of it and i know how to say some things, but probably not enough to have a full on conversation. my mom’s been helping me relearn though. i also know some korean since i took classes in college and learned some on my own. some spanish also from high school but i would like to learn a lot more since it would be super useful for my job
I’m trilingual c: all learned from childhood ^^ kinda had to since the locals use two local languages, and english i had to learn to be able to read since a lot of the books i had were in english. im fluent in english and can speak conversational for the other two local languages.