Are you open about playing Animal Crossing or ashamed?

i'm super open about it. like its just a GAME and if people wanna make a big deal out of it, they can. they would have just created a problem for themselves, hahaha.
I don't really talk about it with people outside of my video game playing group of friends. However, when it does come up, I do mention that I play to some people. Otherwise, it just doesn't come up because I don't really play at work/talk about it at work. I tend to talk about other games at work because they play other FPS games that I play. They don't play animal crossing.
I'm totally open about it!! I've gotten two of my good friends into playing although most of my friends see it as's too good of a game to be ashamed of!
I'm open about it and totally not ashamed. Even if people don't ask me I'll always bang on about it at college, openly play it on the bus or in my college library and even try and get my friends to play it. My friends are used to my slightly childish geeky side. =^.^=
I am open about it.
My family and friends either don't care, or they also play it.
Never be ashamed of something you like!

I am very open about playing Animal Crossing, mainly due to the fact some of my friends have played the older ones, so it's a nice conversation
I am really open, not ashamed, surprisingly, some people at my school play AC:NL. :)
I keep everything to myself and am really unsocial so nobody knows jack about me playing animal crossing. I don't see a point to be honest about it either, would only attract attention and I'd rather be left alone.
This desire to 'correct' people about their tastes in media is related to the misguided belief that those tastes indicate a certain level of manhood, sophistication, and maturity, all too often decided with arbitrary and inconsistent criteria. Long-time gamer Michael Wong sees nothing new in this behavior that balks at 'childish' entertainment in favor of what it sees as proper, sophisticated, 'adult' ("1-Minute Blurbs About Everything" (NSFW)):

You can really smell the residue of the 19th century aristocracies when you see people trying to compete on the basis of their leisure tastes. It smells musty, and old.
Yes, I am open about playing ACNL, and all for having a chat about what 'correct' games to enjoy are.
I'm in no way ashamed. People may think it's only a game for kids ( like my twin sis) but they are wrong. I love my town and my villagers.
I'm open minded when it comes to ACNL. I even know a girl at my school who's in my art set who plays it!! My older brother thinks its a stupid game :p My friends don't even bother laughing at me that i play ACNL.
I used to hide it in high school because I knew for a fact that people at school would make fun of me for it because people at school would look for any reason to make fun of me. Outside of my immediate family I only told my best friend and that was only after she got a DS and was looking for new games to play so I got her into it.

I'm now 21 and I definitely don't hide it, though I won't go into detail about it to people that I know aren't into video games or Nintendo. Actually, Nintendo is quite popular at my uni and I know a lot of people that like Pokemon and Animal Crossing too and when I bring my 3DS to campus I often get streetpass hits. :)

These days I don't worry about people making fun of me or thinking I'm lame because if they do, they're not really the kind of people I want to associate with anyway. Or they only tease me in a joking/loving way like my boyfriend does :p
My friends know I play and they think it's silly but that's fine by me, I wouldn't want to play with them anyway.
I think animal crossing is an amazing game and I don't care if people know that I play it (I'm 20 but I know there's older people who play it). If you enjoy it then who cares what age you are and what anyone else thinks! :D
now that I'm older I'm pretty open about it, I play it in public (and have run into walls while playing... don't walk and play unless you've got bandaids).
I'm open.

I'm an adult though, so it's probably easier for me to not worry about other people.
Oh, I'm open about it... But then, I'm open about a lot of the weird stuff I do, like doll collecting. I am really bad at keeping secrets. My mom doesn't mind me talking to her about ACNL though... Actually she thinks the game's really cute, so she likes hearing about it. C: