Are you open about playing Animal Crossing or ashamed?

nope I'm pretty open about it despite being 24 lol
the only thing thing I dread is people asking me why I find that game so fun
because honestly it's kinda hard to make the game sound interesting to people who have never played it before
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I'm open about it except at work. I'm a police officer. I guarantee no one at work would have even the slightest clue what I was talking about. That and I don't tend to share personal things with coworkers.
Nay, you can say all you want about expressing your personality and being proud of who you are, but I'll never be able to do that. I don't really like sharing my personal life with other people. I'm a private sorta person. I almost never play in public, forget playing with other people. If I'm asked about video games, I'll just say what consoles I have (Wii, 3DS, and PS3 but I don't play it) and if they ask if I have such-and-such a game, I'll answer honestly. That's all I'll ever say. I keep my things to myself, otherwise something's gonna go down. That's the concept I've lived by and thrived on, and prolly will for the rest of time.

^ This. Now, at 21 years old, I am slowly starting to be more open about letting people know that I enjoy playing video games at all, but I have always been a bit ashamed of it ever since I became a teenager, thinking that I was too old to still be playing games. I'm aware that's weird, considering pretty much all teenagers play video games, but none of my girlfriends ever mentioned it and so I guess I figured it was just me being a bit of a tomboy, and I'd end up just keeping quiet about it. Also, most of my relatives never seemed to approve of "gamers" as they associated enjoying video games with being lazy, not wanting to grow up, not putting any effort into finding a job, etc. I have always tried to seem somewhat mature, and playing games just didn't seem like a mature thing to do. Luckily, these days I am a bit less embarrassed about things like this, and I let my actual personality and my hobbies shine through more without caring what others may or may not think of me :)
Sorry to hear so many of you have had embarrassing experiences regarding Animal Crossing and the public...

As for me, I stopped getting embarrassed about stuff. I'm open on matters I should probably be concealing, so Animal Crossing is minor as far as things to hide from the judgmental people we encounter in daily life.
I'm pretty open about me playing AC, why would I be ashamed? Haha! ~ :)

Sorry about you being teased, BTW! Just ignore the jerks, okay? ;3;
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Despite my coworker's talking about Naruto/anime and nextgen nonsense, I have not mentioned Animal crossing to them. I still bring my 3DS to work hoping to get a streetpass...
I'm usually open when play ACNL, while I was on the bus ride to a Disneyland music festival with my music class, people thought it was cool I had New Leaf c:
i don't usually discuss the games i play irl? there are people i wouldn't tell just because they would have nothing to say about it and what's the point of bringing up a topic thats just going to bore someone
I'm open about the games that I play. It generally doesn't come up in conversation though, none of my real life friends are interested in video games at all. :(
Neither, really. I'm not ashamed of it, but it also doesn't seem to really come up in conversation IRL. Video games in general don't seem to unless I'm chatting with my best friend. It might be that whole being a grown-up thing that is to blame. :(
I'm open about it, but only if someone asks or brings it up. What's there to be ashamed of? Everyone who knows that I play Animal Crossing are jealous or envy me because I have New Leaf.

At the same time, I don't go around bringing it up as a general conversation. It's just not something I care to talk about with real life friends and family, but there's no particular reason.
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I'm open about it and all the other games I play. Usually, I have pretty good luck with people though when it comes to explaining AC though :)
I'm very open about playing Animal Crossing because I enjoy the game so much. It's the main game I'm usually playing, but it's not really something that pops up in conversations easily. Only one of my friends plays Animal Crossing New Leaf. She uses her brother's 3DS to play and before I knew she had the game, she told me she didn't really play it too much. She still doesn't. I wish I could introduce my best friend, however, to Animal Crossing on 3DS, but she lost her pink one and hasn't been able to find it yet.
I'm open about any game I play. I never usually get made fun of because I'm so quiet and shy no one ever notices me. Once on my bus on the way home from school, a sixth grader was getting made fun of for playing Pokemon. He was saying things like "WHY IS A 12 YEAR OLD STILL PLAYING POKEMON??" I told that kid off! I told him it doesn't matter how old you are! Heck I still like Barbies. Don't let other people bring you down! You like what you like! :)
I'm open to people I see playing it or have a system for an AC game, honestly. I'll sometimes mention it on skype to friends I talk to if I'm playing and they ask what I'm doing, but that's about it.
Only my parents know. I'm 14, and other people my age don't seem to be open to the fact that some people play Animal Crossing and Pokemon still, but I really enjoy it :)
5th grade is bad for kids teasing and being haters just because they can. I don't think it really gets much better until high school and sometimes not even until adulthood. Try not to let the mean comments get to you. People that pick on others usually don't feel good about themselves. In answer to your question, I am open about the games I play. My daughter actually got me into ACWW and now we both have NL. It's something we can do together and enjoy since I am disabled and can't do a lot of the more usual parent/child activities. I even recently downloaded a 2nd copy of NL, so I guess you can say I'm hooked. :)

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I'm open about any game I play. I never usually get made fun of because I'm so quiet and shy no one ever notices me. Once on my bus on the way home from school, a sixth grader was getting made fun of for playing Pokemon. He was saying things like "WHY IS A 12 YEAR OLD STILL PLAYING POKEMON??" I told that kid off! I told him it doesn't matter how old you are! Heck I still like Barbies. Don't let other people bring you down! You like what you like! :)

Good for you for sticking up for the kid! (picture all the villagers clapping) :p