i originally started playing it docked because i've been streaming it, and thought that i'd switch to handheld later. much to my surprise, i'm opting for it more than handheld. think it's just much more comfortable holding a controller than the weight of the switch.
Where is the stand mode? Best of both worlds. Can go anywhere, but you don't have to touch the switch (safer on a stand), and, it's easier to use a controller than trying to hold a giant switch in your hands.
i usually play it docked when im sitting in my living room and handheld at night when i try to tarantula/bug/fish farm (or the rare occasion when i decide to spice up my life with risk and take my switch with me to eat). i think the game is amazing in both "forms" and i dont think i can say i have a preference for one or the other.
i started out playing handheld and just switched to docked on my desktop monitor and it’s so much easier on my eyes!! and the game looks beautiful on a bigger screen so i think i prefer docked now.
Both. I tend to play docked when I first wake up in the morning. Then when I move to my desk to use my computer, I'll play handheld so I can chat with friends while playing. They also have the game, but voice chat on discord is much easier than typing everything. XD
I like playing hand held and I don't have a screen protecter for the switch yet so I don't want to put it in the dock where the screen may be scratched.
I play handheld. So far I've only docked twice. The good thing about docking though is my parents watching lol and looking fascinating like how do you do that. I reserve the TV to watch shows, a movie or keep up with covid-19 news.
Always docked to actually 'play' the game. But I have played in handheld mode just to let people visit to quickly buy seeds from Nook's. I don't feel like you get the full experience in handheld mode; a lot of the immersion is negated in my opinion.
Regular Switch, I play handheld, usually in my bed.
I would LOVE to play it docked on my TV, but we're in lockdown and the adults in the household kinda have laid claim to that, sooo-
I like to play both handheld and docked! I typically play handheld most of the day when my bf is home and gaming on the TV, but when he leaves for work I will switch over to docked.
Before I got my Switch I told myself I'm only going to play on the dock because I want to enjoy the graphics on a larger screen, but ever since I got the game I've been playing in handheld mode 90% of the time. I always hated playing NL on my tiny 3ds screen but the Switch screen is a really good size so game still looks fantastic. Though there are some small details in dock mode that I wasn't able to notice in handheld mode due to the size difference, so it's still nice to play in dock mode every now and then.
My TV screen is also my computer screen so I like having access to watching Youtube videos and looking up stuff as I play.
i've really been enjoying having it on stand mode recently, so nice to be able to put it on my desk, sit back and play and switch comfortably between the switch and whatever i'm doing on my laptop