Are you sick of winter??

I am 😔 I really love winter in real life and I think it is cute in the game! ...But right now I'm in a bit of a slump decorating wise and I'm bummed all my holly berries have disappeared. Plus I was recently told we have the snow until the end of February, which I'm not super thrilled about lol. I wish we would've gotten the snow on the 1st of December so it would melt away sooner, haha.

I'm excited for the the green grass and trees to come back! I can't wait to see all the little bugs again and get to decorate for spring. 🥰
I only started playing on 2nd Jan, and I already don't like winter! I'm looking forward to sunnier climates with a bit more to do!
I've never liked the snow in AC sorry lol. In NL I TT'd outta there, and I'm about to do the same in NH tbh. I usually TT backwards to August/Sept and just play the game then during the winters because I don't like the way my town looks in the snow (or fall for that matter/brown grass). In NL winter wasn't that bad with my pastel theme, but since my ACNH island is suppose to be a tropical jungle it looks horrible with the dark dirt paths and palm trees.
I hate winter after Christmas, I only like the hype of snow and the feeling of Christmas coming in December. I havent' touched the game since Toy Day for this reason (and also because I'm loaded with work lol)
i’m not! while i definitely understand how it can become boring after a while, winter has always been my favourite season in AC and i honestly love the snow. lowkey looking forward to summer, though, as the vibrant green was genuinely stunning but i’m really enjoying winter, too, and am happy with it. :)
I’m getting pretty tired of it. I think this is just a tradition now for every AC game XD I will be genuinely surprised if a future AC game can make winter exciting til the very end.
I'm not a huge fan of the snow. My town has a lot of red/brown in the color scheme, so all the white is making it look weird. :/ Plus I'm just not a big fan of winter/ice decorations in general. I'm much more of a nature-themed person myself.
No, I'm not tired. I was looking towards winter throughout all of last year. I'm enjoying winter.

If we do not stop to actually appreciate what we have right now, the current season and it's unique shades of colours, then we don,t really get what this game is all about. Live, and enjoy the present, is the schtick of this game.
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I'm not tired of it in the least. Considering we started at the start of Spring in the northern hemisphere, it's a nice change.
I am tired of it and in real life too 😂😂😂. I like it a little bit but also think is hard to re decorate everything.
I’ve been sick of winter since the moment it started. I resorted to time traveling to other nicer months. Sure I’m missing some activities but I’m ok with that now.
i love the music when it snows, the added notes makes it so pretty to listen to, and honestly i find making snowboys enjoyable

but thats it

the snow being so bright sometimes messes with my eyes so i have to stop playing for a bit and im tired of the rampant flower breeding everywhere due to snow. i keep seeing people in the spring and i envy the beautiful green grass too lol
I used to really love winter in ACNL (because it doesn't snow where I live), but for some reason it's lost its magic in ACNH. It's probably because I liked how huge the pine tree lights were in ACNL, and in ACNH they're just like tiny specks you can barely appreciate. I also think the PWPs in ACNL helped make the landscape brighter and more lively during winter nights.
Like others, I also started redecorating my island during winter, and I felt so unhappy because my island was supposed to be spring-themed and I just wasn't feeling the season anymore. I time travelled to March and I feel much better now, like a weight has lifted off my chest.
I really like winter, I think the way everything looks frosted is super pretty, the music is very nice as well! But I like it a lot less as soon as it's not sunny anymore 😅, then it just looks grey and depressing. I just reset my island and TTd back to december on purpose but it seems you cannot get the festive lights and the Xmas event if you're too early in the game, which sucks 🙁.
But on my old island I really liked redecorating for winter, I started putting blue and pink hyacinths everywhere since they look so pretty in the snow! The only thing really miss are the villagers regular outfits, their winterwear tends to be really generic.
I'm so sick of it right now, I would TT..but I don't want to go pass the 3 Birthdays that are coming up on my island: Genji, Francine and mines. :(
I'm sick of the stupid snowmen but I have five characters who need the achievement titles.
Like in IRL, I love winter only when it's snowing, as I enjoy just watching the snow fall from my window and seeing it pile up all over the place. Winter in AC is dull, for sure, in past games because the snow just seemed so unappealing and too bright. But in NH, when it snows, it's actually really beautiful to look at. And I always enjoyed how the hourly music would change up a bit in terms of instrumentation according to the weather (rain and snow versions).

At night, the snowy ground in NH gets this really nice sheen to it that really stands out. I only just recently noticed it during Toy Day and New Year's and I like it a lot. But now, I mainly get on my game to just try to get that Snowboy achievement out of the way.

But I do miss Spring/Summer and the different shades of green, but I think around late February in-game all the snow will go away, so we don't have much longer to wait (unless you time travel).
I always get tired of AC winter and snow by this time. I’m not time traveling, but I am doing some decorating that is definitely more geared towards spring.