If we do not stop to actually appreciate what we have right now, the current season and it's unique shades of colours, then we don,t really get what this game is all about. Live, and enjoy the present, is the schtick of this game.
This so much. While yes, I probably will get tired of the snow by the end of this month, I won't stop appreciating it because it's so unique and different from all the rest of the seasons in the game. Although I don't know if I'll be getting tired of the snowy nights because the shine on the ground from the moonlight is * chef's kiss *.
That being said, I've always wished in every AC game that after the Dec 10th snow storm that the snow had a bit of variety. Like some days it would melt a little bit and you'd see the brown grass underneath, and then when it snowed again it would get all covered. I think that would add a lot more variation and make it less monotonous. I also remember in NL that as we got closer to Spring that the leaves on the trees would start to change color and become more green. I'm wondering if that will happen in this game since right now the leaves are very frosty and almost blue.