Eh, we can never have a peaceful thread. That's a shame, has anybody ever heard of the phrase "if you have nothing nice to say then do not say anything at all"? (I sound like an elderly person I know, shut up.)
well I'm straight and not like that to lgbts, but really lgbts have to learn to deal with those kind of straights because there will always be people that are against lgbt and billions of religious people in the world. Not much you can do about it but just be with people that support you. Not everyone will just accept and respect you, people are different and there's harmful people but you need to avoid, America is probably the most lgbt-accepting country I guess that's the most acceptance you can get there.
But really, I don't find much people to be homophobic or something that bad unless they are highly religious or think lgbts are the worst thing in the universe, lots of people don't really care about them (like me) or accept it. So don't be so fearful of getting killed or something but don't expect everyone to like you as well.
If you say crap like this then expect a negative reaction and if you plan to say crap like this, knowing that it will upset people unnecessarily then please keep it to yourself. This post in short is: "I'm phobic of minority sexualities and identities, and YOU have to accept it". Having an opinion is fine and dandy but if you honestly think that you wont have people who retaliate with harsh words, then please educate yourself on the struggles WE have faced as a community, when someone in OUR community is hurt WE stand up for what's right and WE always will.
Our history is truly depressing and many of us have been killed and abused because of who we are, we will never accept those who hurt us.
"LGBTS"? What are LGBTS? Lesbian gay bisexual transgenders? That isn't possible and as someone pointed out it's not a noun, it's an adjective. You would know that if you were actually educated on what you were talking about, which seems to be the problem these days. There always has to be those people who feel the need to say idiotic things which upset people and they wonder why they upset people. A great idea would be to keep it to yourself next time.
You don't care about us or accept us yet you feel the need to comment on us, why is that?
Btw, I'm gay but I've also had long periods of time were I was asexual so I don't put labels on my sexuality.