are you usually early or late?

are you usually early or late?

  • early!

    Votes: 45 49.5%
  • late.....

    Votes: 27 29.7%
  • meh, on time.

    Votes: 28 30.8%
  • other?

    Votes: 2 2.2%

  • Total voters
im always early but don?t actually go in until exactly when i?m supposed to be there. if there?s no posibilty to wait outside or whatever i?ll be early but yeah hhhh i prefer to not bother people by being early and i hate hate hate being late.

when i have meetings w ppl i usually sit outside the room for 15 minutes even when the door is open and theyre clearly not super busy so we could start early because i have Anxiety. if i?m supposed to be there 10:00 i won?t knock on the door until 10:00 but if i?m late i?ll probably die so i?m always early so i can be exactly on time
Sometimes, when I leave early, I just barely make it to my destination on time due to bus services being poor from where I live. When I do leave for my destination at an appropriate time, I do make it on time if public transportation decides to work in my favour.
I’m usually early or on time, I can’t stand being late. It gives off such a bad message, especially with jobs, interviews, meetings, etc. But it’s mostly tied into my anxiety. Other people being late around me also ties into my anxiety and paranoia because then this person isn’t on time and it just makes me skyrocket into a panic attack. Sometimes if I meeting with my friends, I don’t mind them being late, but I always try my hardest to be early, or on time.
Myself being late, and others being late, is a definite pet peeve of mine. I understand life happens so it doesn’t bother me too much, unless someone’s like 20 minutes late for no real reason at all.

Clarification: Life happens. There’s traffic, emergencies, car accidents, people get sick, people get hurt, people sometimes have a short notice change of plans, people get bad news at times, people sleep through their alarms, people forget to set alarms, etc etc. i’m lenient with people being late usually. But when it’s someone who had the full ability to be on time, and they were up on time, got no bad news, didn’t have to deal with traffic, etc but just chose to be late because “why not”, it’s honestly ridiculous. At my old job I had coworkers who didn’t care about being on time and were just really immature people and it would mess up everything.
Moral of the story: life happens, but is it really necessary to be purposefully late because you “wanted to”?
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Really early. As others have said... thank you, anxiety. If I'm not anxious about the thing though, I am usually EXACTLY on time.
I always get super paranoid about being late, so I try to plan ahead when I need to leave, etc. I'm usually a little early or on time
Very late, it's always a challenge just getting out of my cozy and comfy bed. Well, except when I'm going out with my best friend then I can somehow be done in 30 minutes and sometimes 5 minutes, it's magic!
I used to be like an hour early to everything but not anymore. Now I try to be ~15mins early if it’s work or appointments. I live in a place with pretty bad transit and buses that come every 30 mins. So if it’s hanging out with friends, im just gonna be like hey I’ll be 5 mins late. If I’m either gonna be 5 mins late or 25 mins early because of the buses.
Notoriously late, unless, and this sounds bad, it's expensive. I'd never miss a train or flight I've already bought a ticket for.
It depends on where I'm going. If it's somewhere I want to be, I'll be there on time. If I could care less, I take my time and don't care if I'm late
I am usually early with whatever it is. I am not one to keep people waiting. It's really rude to be honest. Everyone has a life, but to say you're too busy to commit to the same time is very conceited. So many people use that excuse that I tend to tone them out after a while.

I also tend to stop inviting people who are constantly late for whatever reason. Some things happen, so I give people the benefit of doubt. Or I end up only dealing with those individuals when I really have to. But if people show up a half hour late when things were already planned way ahead and you don't give them a heads up if there is an issue, don't be surprised when they don't invite you or end up doing the same stuff to you.
Already mentioned this somewhere else, but people who are late to their appointments mess up everything for everyone else. Smh