Are You Worried About The DIYs You Missed Out On?

Are you worried about the missed DIY opportunities?

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Bunnie's Shmoopy
Sep 25, 2015
Rosewater Potion
Blue Rosewater Potion
The Bell Tree Fair 2022 Patch
Spring Shamrock
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Matryoshka Doll
Festive Bell
Green Christmas Stocking
Pear (Fruit)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
I am quite new to New Horizons as I started my game 26th of November which means I missed out on all the DIYs that came out this year and half of Autum ones. Maybe it's me being a perfectionist but it kind of bothers me? I guess I became concerned since there was a video talking about how time traveling forewards, unlike New Leaf, the events don't appear unless you time travel backwards. Seeming as this is the case it might be that this year's DIYs might not appear next year. Do you think it's a possibility they will still appear in balloons and bottles? I have actually got a western stone grave thing from a balloon but can't say I can imagine the pumpkin stuff turning up or the wedding stuff.

Let me know your guys' opinion~

I'd time travel backwards but I'm a little bit afraid to mess up things because I don't know how it works yet < just in case someone tells me to time travel, no.
Take this with a grain of salt, but here is what I think will happen:

Events themselves might change with updates but have the same general theme. They already have promised free updates and with all the hype they will probably keep up on this for a while.

As far as items it would be a lot of work to recode holiday and seasonal items every year. I see them either:

Keeping the same list, adding only a handful of new ones if any


Having a few rotational lists to keep it seemingly fresh but make collecting the DIY unique.

Both would in theory give you a chance to collect past sets.
I'd like to think that they won't entirely change every event every year, and won't just completely discontinue old DIYs/furniture etc because that wouldn't be fair on people who got the game later and continue to start the game in years to come. I personally missed a bunch of cherry blossom DIYs and almost all of the autumn DIYs, and while I'm waiting until next year to catch up on cherry blossom stuff I've found pretty much all of the autumn DIYs on here! so as long as you're part of a community like this you should be able to catch up.
I am not really worried. I missed out on all of the cherry blossom and spring bamboo recipes because I didn't get the game until late May. I think they will be available next year - maybe with a few new ones added in to spice it up for players experiencing their second spring? But I don't see why they would completely not include them as I think that would seem very discouraging for new players and a bad decision on their part if they decided to do that. Besides I personally like rotating out my decorations seasonally so I don't need spring decorations until the spring anyway.
Yes, for me since there are not a lot of furniture options in the game already, I make an effort to collect all the DIYs that come out. If I can't/don't have time to collect them myself, I use tbt to buy them from people on this website :)
I highly doubt the events won't return! All previous Animal Crossing games have been very forgiving and kind to players and it's just not their style not to give you multiple opportunities to get an item - this isn't their mobile game. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about and you'll definitely be able to get them in the years to come. :)
I highly doubt the events won't return! All previous Animal Crossing games have been very forgiving and kind to players and it's just not their style not to give you multiple opportunities to get an item - this isn't their mobile game. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about and you'll definitely be able to get them in the years to come. :)
The "this isn't their mobile game" actually is a good point but we know they have plans for a few years to come. I've already seen similarities to previous games, they seemed to have blended some features from previous games into NH and people have rumoured it COULD be possible that you could pay for content in the future especially since they know people like to collect things. It is true rumours are rumours however and I do think you all have a point BUT some companies are getting worse money grabbing wise, I really hope Nintendo doesn't stoop that low is my thoughts.
The "this isn't their mobile game" actually is a good point but we know they have plans for a few years to come. I've already seen similarities to previous games, they seemed to have blended some features from previous games into NH and people have rumoured it COULD be possible that you could pay for content in the future especially since they know people like to collect things. It is true rumours are rumours however and I do think you all have a point BUT some companies are getting worse money grabbing wise, I really hope Nintendo doesn't stoop that low is my thoughts.

Of course we could never know, and it is possible they'll put out paid DLC at some point. But that's totally different from replaying events! If we ever get paid DLC I imagine it will add extra gameplay but it won't make you pay for stuff you could've gotten previously. At least I can't imagine they'll do that. It just doesn't fit the franchise at all imo. So I hope they won't do that lol.
I'm sure we'll see these reissued in some fashion when the appropriate season/holiday comes about again so I'm not too worried.

We've already seen repeat items from the Fishing and Bug tournaments, and it has been the norm in the series to do so. If they do decide to change up seasonal sets/content and add new recipes, I could see them using the same method from Thanksgiving - offering DIY bundles for sale or simply offering more items to obtain through standard balloons, villager crafting, and participating in events in addition to the existing ones. Here's hoping!
The "this isn't their mobile game" actually is a good point but we know they have plans for a few years to come. I've already seen similarities to previous games, they seemed to have blended some features from previous games into NH and people have rumoured it COULD be possible that you could pay for content in the future especially since they know people like to collect things. It is true rumours are rumours however and I do think you all have a point BUT some companies are getting worse money grabbing wise, I really hope Nintendo doesn't stoop that low is my thoughts.

Your right. But I guess itnis something we will just have to see.
I'm more just frustrated by the DIY system in general. There aren't isn't a specific item I'm worried about missing, but I've played around 700 hours at this point and am still missing around 70 DIYs total. During this timespan, I've obtained countless duplicate DIYs.

I don't totally understand why the game doesn't continue offering DIYs you are missing from the villagers who are crafting instead of constantly giving you duplicates.
i honestly, wholeheartedly, think the reason i think so much about the DIYs i've missed for seasonal items is because i'm a huge completionist. i don't even know if i would genuinely use a lot of the items i've missed out on learning how to craft, but i still have that underlining want to complete the seasonal sets, etc., regardless if i actually like or have plans on using them.

but beyond wanting to get them basically checked off a list in my head? it isn't any skin off my back to miss them - unless i genuinely like them. for example, i'm only missing the leaf stool for the maple leaf DIYS. will i use it? probably not, i'm not too fond of it and i'm not sure if i could make it look nice anywhere on my island. but i still want to add it to my DIY recipe list 🥺
Not really. I like grabbing all the seasonal diys within the season time slot but sometimes I'm just not in the mood to grind.

Like I don't have all the cherry blossom diys but I know I can just buy them from someone here.
i haven't missed any thus far but i answered no because if i had, i wouldn't be worried. in NH, you're likely only going to get all of the seasonal DIYs right as each season is ending which means decorating opportunities are pretty slim and you'll likely be packing stuff away not long after you put it out. (that's been the case for me, at least.) for example, by the time you had all the maple DIYs, maple season was either over or on the verge of ending, and autumn ending as a whole wasn't far behind. the festive DIYs came out just today (i believe?) but by the time most people have all of them, there'll only be a few days left of christmas where you can really get the most out of them.

my girlfriend started playing in august so she only missed wedding day and bunny week (i gave her the museum day plaques) but those sets of items are super niche and not particularly versatile, so she isn't really bothered about not having them or needing to wait.
I picked sort of. I am not worried about the ones we can get normally, I am more iffy on the ones I have to build snowboys for. I know all the tricks to get a perfect one, however there have still been times where I messed him up. I also don't play daily. I am a completist and want all the DIYs, and it is a bit frustrating that you can't get these particular ones the regular way.
I got the game sometime in April, I think. I missed out on Bunny Day and Cherry Blossoms. I also missed some maple leaf diys. I have this weird obsession with 100%ing every game, so...yeah.
honestly i got too tired trying to collect every diy so unless its for an item i really want i dont bother, usually if im looking for a diy one of the good folks here on the forum are happy to sell it to me
I'm not worried at all because it's so easy to get the items from others or have others craft it for you on various websites. I don't really care for collecting DIYs, so missing the recipe itself doesn't matter for me. As long as I get the needed seasonal ingredients, which I can't imagine are going to change from year to year, I can always find someone else out there who is willing to make it for me.