Are You Worried About The DIYs You Missed Out On?

Are you worried about the missed DIY opportunities?

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  • No

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the DIYs are tied to seasons, and only the dates change year after year. If you're really worried about it, you can timehop and get all the DIYs, and this has been a feature pretty much since release (sans the wands tied to events and the mermaid set which was added in july iirc)
I’ve just restart as well I’m I’m in the same boat as you. It does bother me that I’ve missed out bc some of those diys are hard to get (looking at you seasonal balloon diys) but at the same time I’m not to concerned bc I can also trade with people to get them. Plus I have other people in my family who play and they’ve nearly got all the diys
yes the balloon DIYs are ruining my life and making me unmotivated to play sadly. i know it should actually motivate you to play, but nintendo it's quite the opposite. if you think about it.... when you grind for it, it's eating the time you're playing the game. i mean yes you can do something while waiting for the balloons but the time restrictions and needing to stay outside is quite annoying. i'd rather do other things when i decide to open the switch and play.
sort of. despite the fact that i’ve had the game since launch, i missed out on one of the bunny day diys (the wobbling zipper toy) and while i’m well aware that i very likely would never craft one, i’m a completionist and so the fact that i’m missing something bugs me a bit. still, i’m hoping that seasonal/event diys won’t just get scrapped each year and that we’ll have the opportunity to get what we’re missing eventually. :)
Welcome to being the exact personality profile that this game caters to! 🤣

This game appeals to the perfectionist/collector personality type. That’s why we collect villagers. Or all the furnitures in a set. Or all the different rose colors.

Just as “killers” love call of duty or “solvers” love Tetris, we love AC. (Oh, my game developer friend said you can absolutely have more than 1... plenty of people who love shooter games love AC)

It’s ok, take your time and just keep going after the DIY. Makes the game last longer if you collect next year.
I'm less annoyed with the DIYs and more with catching bugs and critters. I have every bug except ONE and its INFURIATING!! But with DIYs you can ask from others, and if you're like me and you don't like to time travel or gather everything at once, you can just wait for next year! Sadly.
I can't say I'm worried since I've been playing since launch and have collected all of them so far but even if I didn't I wouldn't be too worried. There will always be the option to trade and also free treasure islands have been rising in popularity - some full of every single DIY in the game with an infinite amount since they use modded switches. I don't predict there being any shortage of any DIYS or special event items.
No not really, but I'm just afraid that i can't keep up with others. I can buy from people or tt back, it's just that everyone get them while I don't have it.
I am a perfectionist as well and there is so many that I don’t have it’s annoys me especially since I can never find balloons to pop for DIY’s. And if I do find one it’s just full of stuff I don’t need/ already have. I don’t have many autumn ones at all and I have basically zero of the winter ones. And now my game is in summer and I’m seeing all these winter DIY threads and I’m like damn I should of played it properly then. I am tempted to go back and play winter just for the DIY’s
I'm not worried about it. If I miss out on it, I'm sure I'll find another player here selling it. No stress.
I was more worried when the game first came out but then I remembered I'm all about #aethetics lol
If anything I'll probably buy the DIYs here if I get desperate
I mean, no, bc I haven't missed any so far lol. I have no job and no life as long as the pandemic is going on, so I will farm for hours upon hours to get every seasonal diy before they expire. Hooray for quarantine!

but yeah, if for some reason I did miss one, it wouldn't stress me out too much bc it's fairly easy to trade for those things online. you don't need to time travel to be complete. especially on here, many people are very generous and happy to swap recipes or even craft stuff for materials for no charge, so there's no reason to stress about it!
I'm personally not because we have wonderful forum members who run shops and have these DIYs!
If you have an online account you can trade for the DIY or crafted item even if you're not willing to TT.

For me personally, I got the game on launch day and have been intentionally grinding during each seasonal time to make sure I get all DIYs before the seasonal period ends. It can be very grindy and annoying, but at least I haven't missed anything.
Yes and no? I happen to get lucky with my balloons, but with all these holiday recipes I think my luck may run out. It's not a FOMO thing for me, it's just... it's going to be a hassle trying to remember which recipes I have and don't have a year later when they become available again. Sure, there's the argument for TT'ing, but eh.
I'm a completionist so it bugs me if I don't collect all the DIY's.
I'm still missing quite a few basic ones and it bugs me so bad.
I'm hoping that new events and DIYs are added in the 2nd year but that we'll still be able to get the first year ones too. I wasn't around for Bunny Day and it frankly sounds awful but even those, I would like to be able to collect. I would eventually like to have all the DIYs.
I’ll play this game for years so I have plenty of time to get them all. I’m in no rush to complete this game.
I took a break from the game for basically most of November and had been going through the process of acquiring all of the DIYs I had missed, between the basic acorn and pinecone ones, the maple series, and the Harvest Festival. Unfortunately, with the current Christmas events here on the forums, I'm going to have to time travel ahead to December to get a few items for some of the events.

I plan to time travel back to November again to resume my collecting after Christmas, then readjust back to Winter after I get everything I needed. Kind of a pain, but I've been a time traveler since the GameCube game anyway so it doesn't bother me any, and I'd rather go back and do things rather than be beholden to playing the game everyday even if I'm busy or just don't feel like it on a certain day.

So, I voted No on the poll.