Pretty much this.
I'll sometimes take an unpopular stance on a topic (that in reality I don't even care about) just to see how people react to it and how well I can defend it.
I did this once, in a "rights for insects" thread, a while ago. XD
People got upset.
I don't think I won, nope.
I've gotten into an argument with another TBT user over them not liking what I post in my blogtree. A few months later I got into another argument with the same user when I was maturely expressing my feelings like an adult so the user got all angry and made a big song and dance over nothing lmao!
Wow, really?
That's kinda sad.
Ikr! Like I put my heart and soul into my blogs and for some to take satisfaction into verbally tearing down me and my work is downright cruel.
Yeah. People can be jerks, was he a troll or something?
Every English speaking chatroom and forum I've been to accused me of being a Nazi, especially when I'm writing to fellow German speakers. Mostly by ignorant Americans and British people.