Arguments online.

When playing clash of clans, I used to be easily trolled. I basically used to argue at all the sexually driven or stupid guys xD.
Now I just roll my eyes at anyone who tries to start online, and walk away.

Tip: don't talk to ppl on global
Like ever
Its cancer on global
Yesterday someone on facebook was getting bent out of shape over my cartoon avatar from YoWorld that I posted as my display picture, saying that it is "childish" and that I'm a 15 year old witht he mentality of a 5 year old lmao! But he could have been a troll so I told him to f off.
When I was a bratty little teenager, yes.
Now I just post my opinion and call people out when they post something unhumane, but I wouldn't come back to have a discussion anymore.
Yesterday someone on facebook was getting bent out of shape over my cartoon avatar from YoWorld that I posted as my display picture, saying that it is "childish" and that I'm a 15 year old witht he mentality of a 5 year old lmao! But he could have been a troll so I told him to f off.

wait are you 15
i try not to get into arguements but this one time i was observing a political arguement and this one guy who was proooobably like 12 told the "haters" to "gtfo," and the other guy said "just because they disliked trump didn't mean he was a 'hater,'" and said he was just stating his opinion. the probably 12-year-old threw a fit and compared his hatred of minecraft to the other guy's dislike for trump, and how you shouldn't get involved in things you dislike. i jumped in and said that when it comes to arguements, video games are much different than politics. at the time i had an undertale profile pic and the probably 12 yo just said "says the undertale fangirl." that's about the closest i had to an internet arguement lol
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one of the most annoying things i find about online arguments is when people obviously dislike you and show it, like a Lot. but then they get all defensive and even more rude when you confront them abt it ,, like dont pretend that im the one starting stuff when u have been wrting vague posts abt me for the last few days .

buT my favourite turnout of arguments online is when they run out of stuff to say and start commenting on other stuff, like my spelling or something. that makes me feel like i'm the Superior Fighter l m a o

n ye i get in al ot of internet drama. i should probably chill
I'm a picker, people get offended too easily imo though. Some people need to grow a backbone tbh
i've never really gotten into any online arguments (at least, as far as i can remember). i really don't like confrontation at all, so i try to avoid them.
Sometimes I just love watching that drama unleash. x grabs popcorn and pulled pork and all that good stuff and chill. x
Well, sometimes I get bored... and Youtube comment sections are a breeding ground for stupidity and butthurt so... :).
Yes. Back when I was a teenager and an internet queen... I would pick fights with people all the time on sites that I frequented, like runescape. I look back on it and don't even know why I did... trolling I guess.
I don't anymore, even tho it can be really painful not to sometimes lol.
used to get into a lot of online beef and get dumb heated over nothing but im trying to stop now cause damn that stuff is pointless
Most people who use social media and gaming sites have probably had an argument at least once. I try to stay out of it as much as I can, but the communities I'm in make this very hard to do and I get blamed for things which aren't necessarily my fault. The annoying thing is when someone knows they've lost, but won't admit it. Then they block me :D