ask the below user a question!

Yes, though I haven't really eaten it in a while.

How do you feel about mother's day?
It doesn't hold any significance for me considering my mom has passed. I prefer my birthday (May 5th) more.

Do you like waffles?
Yeah I have some ideas for sure *please nobody hold me accountable to actually trying out these hobbies 😅
Sewing is something I would like to pick up and also crochet.

What's your favourite book?
Lord of the Flies. Seeing the boys go crazy over time was a pretty scary but intriguing experience.

Same question?
I'll go with The Outsiders. Fantastic story.

What game would you want the most from "Switch 2"?
Super Mario Galaxy 3! That would be so hype.

Actually… I think I want the next Smash game more. But since it’s Smash, it’s basically guaranteed.

Are you looking forward to anything in the coming week?
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Not THIS week... except my days off if that counts.

Have you ever injested something inedible as a child?
Not that I can recall. My mom would probably know. She remembers every single tiny event of my childhood.

Name your favorite song that has "love" in the title.
The only song that comes to mind is "Barbra Streisand" by Duck Sauce. It was a song I danced to a lot in Just Dance 3.

What are your thoughts on the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" books?
I used to be obsessed with them. I found them entertaining for someone who really didn't like to read, and still doesn't.

Do you like flavored water?