ask the below user a question!

i think i like rose? i'm not an alcohol type of person but i've had angry orchard rose and thats pretty tasty.

favorite TV show?
M*A*S*H if I have to pick only one.

I like a lot of older (British also) comedy series though.

Also Ya-ya-yah is one of my fave JE shows as well.


least fave music genre?
Aside from a short meme story, I’ve never read fan fiction. I wrote fan fiction once for a writing contest, but it turned out badly. My writing is definitely better when it’s with my own characters.

Do you like to hike?
Yeah. Although I don't do it often, I like to traverse through nature. :]

What's the best piece of advice anyone's ever given you?
Nothing because no one ever has the right words or good advice for me, lol.

Do you even like potato salad?
Yes. I watch a ton of videos, lol.

What’s one food you don’t necessarily dislike, but you have to be in the mood for it?
Hmmmmmmmmm, I guess I'll say hot dogs. I like them, but I don't want to eat them all the time...a few times a year is fine.

Favorite way to prepare/eat noodles?
How-To🍜: Instant Edition

□》Step 1
Open pack
□》Step 2
Place noodles in bowl
□》Step 3
Add flavor on top of dried noodles
□》Step 4
Boil water in kettle
□》Step 5
Pour hot water on noodles
□》Step 6 (optional)
Add chopped green onion

Favourite cake?
I’m not really a sweets person, but I love those blizzard cakes from Dairy Queen.

Do you wear hats?
Nope. They make my head uncomfortable.

Do you want to study a foreign language?