ask the below user a question!

Definitely warm light. It looks closer to sunlight, gentle on the eyes, and makes a room look more comfortable I guess? Cooler shades remind me of work settings like school or the doctors.

Do you prefer to keep the curtains open or closed in rooms you're in?
Closed for privacy, but my curtains are sheer-ish, so they still let enough sunlight in.

Window blinds or shades?
Cheese. I'd rather have something that better complements the burger, like an aioli sauce.

Same question?
Unpopular opinion here- I hate the texture of pasta in general, it’s too slimy for my liking. The only kind I actually enjoy eating is penne.

Same q?
I have one cat whom I was lucky enough to adopt from a family member a couple of months ago 😊

When was the last time you went to the mall?
It was when I worked at the mall, which I think was over a year ago.

Do you prefer big dog breeds or smaller dog breeds?
Depends on the breed, both have their pros and cons.

what kind of computer do you have, if any?
cartridges/cs, especially if it's for a handheld. i can accept digital if it is computer obviously but i hate going digital on switch etc.

same q?
I've gotten to the point where I don't care lol
It is nice to have a physical game, but where I live, it's a pain to find physical copies and the past few times I've tried ordering from someplace like Amazon, it's ended badly

Do you prefer desktops or laptops/notebooks?