ask the below user a question!

I do especially if I plant to travel to the location of the native tongue I wish to speak. Like Spanish, French or Greek! Depends where I go first..

College or Career?
College (or uni or equivalent) really. If people see you have studied there is a greater chance they will look at your CV and see you put in some effort, at least where I live. If it helps you build a career, that's cool! But I would never like aspire to become a big boss just cause money and having to dress up properly every day with no free time.

same q?
IRL I do like the look of both, but classic is too much up keep to look good. My house is very eclectic, lots of video games and toys.
In Animal Crossing the majority of my rooms are eclectic as well.

Do you like frogs? Follow up question, what's your favorite frog?
frogs are cool i guess. my favourite frog is this cool yellow and black one (no clue what its called)

favourite music genre?
plain orange honestly. not a fan of those multi-flavour. beer/pee apple juice kind is good too(as longs as it's not that pulp bright yellow crap lol).

same q?
Not really. I’m just playing video games, spending time with my dog, and working.

Same question?
Nay. I haven't ever been a fan of sweet and sour food combinations (with maybe an exception or two).

If you could permanently delete a website from existence, which one would it be?