ask the below user a question!

Kinda depends
I don't like potatoes made most ways because of the texture, but I like salt on fries

Do you have any piercings? and if not, do you want any?
not anymore, i had my ears when i was a kid but i like never used earrings or stuff anyway, so.
don't think i want any as of now, no.

fave kind of salad?
greek !!

what's your record for most photos received from a single villager ?
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I'd buy a decent-sized house somewhere secluded and peaceful (and where the weather is cool and fresh nearly all year long). Then, I'd give everyone reading this a share of the remaining money.

How often do you change your profile icon?
I've always wanted a pet fox! They're technically legal in my state, but I already have a dog and two cats and I'm sure they're a lot of work lol

same question?