• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

ask the below user a question!

Dropped late last night EST; already has 77 million views and 8 million likes as of this post. Amazing.
…and I’ll just casually break the streak at 10, though someone should really make a new thread about posting last-watched videos in general; this is fun!

What’s your preference on condiments?
Like once or twice a week? I don't cook anything big though XD

What's your Mario Kart 8 Main?
I don't really play it that much, but I guess dry bones? They look pretty cool.

Any show, movie, or game that you're looking forward to being released? Whether soon or in the next year or so?
Already kinda mentioned it above, but Grand Theft Auto 6, despite its approximate release in 2025. It's a long ways away, I know, but the wait is always worth it for me. In terms of the next year, nothing really at the moment.

Is there anything you've always wanted to learn more about, but have been too lazy to do so?
Hmm...nothing comes to mind. Atm, anyway.

What would you like for Christmas?
Not anything physical, lol. I'm too old by this point to be receiving gifts.

Honestly just want a good dinner with either friends or family and to have a good time... if I'm deprived of that on Christmas, then what's the point really??

Same question?
Hmm I hope I can have a nice, peaceful time with family without anything bad happening? aaa
I always feel quite selfish asking for anything, and guilty receiving, 😅 but as someone who loves to give gifts, I appreciate and am grateful that others want to do something for me, so maybe take me out somewhere for a little activity? Or a voucher towards a game? Or cards. I adore cards from people 🥰

Do you like receiving gifts?
Yeah, though I prefer to give them.

How's your health?
I'd say its pretty good - I make an effort to mostly eat healthy and read nutrition info etc. I also try to walk for at least an hour a day since I don't work out or anything. I've never been a sporty person or someone who loves exercise.

Same question?
The only two things I can say are wrong with me at the moment are my poor energy levels affecting my head and my chipped molar tooth, which hurts periodically. Other than that, I’m pretty much fine. Can’t wait to get this oral surgery done.

Same question?
I'm one of the healthiest people I know, lol (I am a martial artist after all).

Favorite thing about Christmas?
I like receiving all the gift cards I get, if I'm being honest. I don't really celebrate otherwise. I don't get a long that well with my family.

Do you like flamin' hot foods?
Love me some flamin' hot foods.

If you had to choose between walking a tightrope of Christmas lights over shark-infested waters on a game show or rolling down a steep hill on a life-sized chunk of coal on a game show, which would you choose and why?
I’d pick the latter since it seems slightly less terrifying. I hate anything involving tightropes.

Same question?
I'd probably also choose the steep hill - I don't like the sound of the tightrope or massive drop into shark infested waters.

If you had to pick only one Nintendo console/portable to be able to play for the rest of your life, what would it be?
The Switch...if not that, the 3DS.

Reading any book and/or book series currently?
No. Ironically, I hate reading.

If there was one B-plot (not the main plot) in a movie or TV episode that you wish never happened, what is it and why?
(Make sure you cover your spoilers if you're going to mention any)
Hmm maybe changed the way the Sanji/Absalom section in Thriller bark was written, as it changes the way Sanji's intentions and morals are percieved by the audience? But then they kinda go back to how he was before in future arcs anyways so it's just cringey and gross whilst being inconsiquential to the overall story.

What's your favourite christmas food?