• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

ask the below user a question!

Probably fall and winter. Like not the full on dead of winter where it's below freezing and having snow storms. But the part where it slowly eases into fall to winter.

Same question?

Cars and car insurance like Geico :ROFLMAO:
I mean, all insurance here is such a racket and joke. They all raised their prices because of labor shortage, supply issues, ect. None of their reasons make any sense. It's such a racket.
Probably end of year cause that’s when Pokémon games release.

What is your greatest fear?
Probably sleep paralysis - I've thankfully never had it but it terrifies me knowing that it's actually a real thing that you can experience and isn't just a made up story.

Do you like pineapple on pizza?
Yes. Pineapple is the only topping that makes pizza somewhat tolerable.

Do you prefer orange juice or apple juice?
I love both, and which one I like more honestly depends on the day, lol. Right now, I prefer orange juice. 🍊

What’s your least favourite food?
Yeah, It seems kind of fun.

If you could ask any historical figure only one question, who would it be and what would you ask?
I would ask Vincent van Gogh for art tips, he's my favorite artist ;;

If you could invent a new flavor of soda, what would it be?
Maybe chocolate or hot chocolate? I don't think I've ever seen the main brands ever attempt that. Probably for a good reason. But I'd want to see how they would do it and how it would taste.

If you could travel anywhere in the world (and not have to worry about expenses or whatever) which place would you go?
A remote cabin house in the middle of the redwoods somewhere out west. Forget about the potential horror movie-like setting; I just want peace and quiet.

What helps you fall asleep?
I actually don't usually really need help falling asleep. The only thing I really do is turn of the lights, because that way it helps my eyes relax more.

Are you happy with this year? Your answer can be based on your personal experience or current events?
I assume you're talking about 2023. I'm not where I'd like to be, but I am happy with who I am today.

Same question?
I am quite happy - obviously the world will never be perfect but I am definitely very privileged and happy with my life.

What is your favourite holiday?
I guess it really depends. I really like Fall in general. So the holidays that fall under that time are nice. Plus the weather is not too hot or cold. It's the perfect weather. But I also like Christmas (even though work is stupid hectic when it shouldn't be and overall it's hard to just stop and smell the roses because of how hectic everyone makes it out to be)

Same question?
Christmas. I just like receiving gifts, even if I never get everything I wanted.

The best thing you got for Christmas/Hanukah/This Month?
I love it. It's so relaxing to not wake up at 5:00 almost every day!

Were you naughty or nice during this event?