Mafia Baby Mafia - Main thread.


for reference this is the meme I was mentioning, it's interesting to look back at mistreils behaviour now knowing she's mafia

ALSO FORGOT TO MENTION, I said how it was making emolga look framed, karma was also sussing kiko so ig it kinda frames kiko too?
anyways, I guess I rly am gonna be thanos snapped LMAO
okay so good morning and welcome to my presentation


before we start, i would like to offer a condolence to the fallen bellflower bestie

rip karma
i'll miss you and memeing your fights​

okay now onto the Hot Topic of the day

first: to address rosie's "mistreil visited kilza" claim, i would like to say that i cannot visit anyone. at all. my little tricycle wheels have very little mobility!!

i'm guessing the squirtle squad threw me into their ride at night and drove me around or something -- i can't visit anyone so i'm guessing that's why i didn't notice anything

the squirtle squad clearly does not like bellflowers and are messing around with us. instead of killing me they decide to frame me. maybe my bribe worked too well because im getting free uber rides on top of living

also regarding the bellflower bestie thing: that was just because we're bellflowers and when i was writing that i didn't actually have much to put down for kilza except DECEASED and it looked sad. so i put it on all the bellflowers and then i remembered to check vote order and slapped that on kilza.
if i was mafia i wouldnt group targets together like that, that's not a very big brain thing to do and i am very clearly Big Brain

before i get to my next point, i would like to present a reimagination of this morning

wherein rosie joins the squirtle squad in kicking me when im already down

i would like to address rosie's concern of me not contributing what my role was at all -- beyond the fact that i can't visit anyone, it is best summarized as


you have no idea how long i was sitting on this

so immunity for a night + day. but i was hoping my bribes would work so i don't have to use it or i could use it strategically

unfortunately that plan has failed because i awoke to a message that MY ABILITY WAS STOLEN? which is not that great because that means the squirtle squad can avoid being eliminated for a day, assuming they can use it

why they targetted me, i dont know. maybe they want to keep me around for memes but keep me utterly useless

(also im just guessing that the theft ability is a squirtle squad thing -- i could be wrong? it'd be good if i was tho)

ANYWAYS IN SUMMARY you're all safe to eliminate me if needed because i can't actually do anything anymore
A logistical question for @shawo :
do powers get used first, and then mafia kills at the end of the night, or is the person killed first, and then powers are used by remaining people?
a follow-up is do the mafia get powers of their own

shellbell, did you notice anything different about tonight when you used your power vs yesterday?
This is going to make me sound super Squirtle Squad, but I feel like I have to say it now or it’s going to bite me later.

I know Rosie is telling the truth about her ability because I have a similar ability. I am 100% sure Rosie is town because she used the exact same terminology shawo used for me (“visit”) and I don’t think she could have made that up. I can basically do the same thing, except I can check alive people to see who they have visited. I checked Karma last night because I was sus of her for sussing on Emolga so hard. If Rosie were to have her ability recharged and check who visited Karma, she would see my name on the list so I just want to be up front about this. I visited Karma, but did not kill her.

To make myself sound even more sus, I’ll make a case to defend Mistreil. We now know there are two detective-like roles, one of them being checking who visited dead people which sounds super OP. The game feels very stacked against the mafia. To balance this, there could either be three mafia OR the mafia have special abilities themselves. Mistreil already mentioned having their ability stolen. I also wonder if another ability can be to make the townies “sleepwalk” to visit the dead? Just a thought.

Anyways, I’m still going to vote Mistreil because Rosie is presenting hard facts and I’m just speculating. Sorry to stir the pot lol. I thought really hard about revealing my ability, but I would rather be upfront about it now than get falsely accused later. Also now the mafia can target me too, so that makes Rosie a little safer. I think her ability is more valuable than mine.
Does your ability not need recharging Kattea?

On an unrelated note,
I kinda believe Mistreil and don't know if we should be so quick to decide on killing them when some people haven't been able to post their first message for this 'day'. Mistreil literally gave us no reason not to kill them, which a townsfolk with no ability would do, but a mafia would likely still want to be in the game.

I'm curious to hear from shellbell about last night

At the moment, there are some pretty clear targets for the mafia based on the abilities that were outed today. If someone with one of the more powerful/informative abilities isn't the killed tonight, I'd be surprised...
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i.e. They're basically forced to kill one of rosetti or shellbell tonight, otherwise a mafia will be outed each night with shellbell recharging rosetti and rosetti revealing another squirtle
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if shellbell does end up being killed between the two of them, I'd be a little wary of rosetti

My random sus folks of the day would be rosetti and kattea :p
but I definitely want to hear from shellbell before going into things more
my gut's been wrong basically every time so far in this game, so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt!
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tbh I'm sus of basically everyone 😅 , rosie's post looks legit and kattea's sleepwalking idea sounds the most probable at this point assuming both rosetti and Mistreil are telling the truth (which i kinda believe)
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Depending on how today goes, I'll reveal my full ability as well
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oh wow, what a way to wake up this morning...
I believe rosie's claims and is also against mistreil. (if @Mistreil , you're voted out, does this mean.... no more memes?) all of mistreil's "defenses" seem too convenient. rosie probably used the word "visit" just as a paraphrase instead of saying word for word what her ability is since that's not allowed. and getting an invincibility power stolen? what are the chances of that? assuming squirtle squad targeted mistreil on purpose, how did they know exactly what they're looking for? why not steal kiko's whos ability seems way more annoying?
I also agree that killing ionickarma is an attempt to frame emolga.
@Rosetti i would very much like to hear your other susses, even if you have no hard evidence.
shellbell, did you notice anything different about tonight when you used your power vs yesterday?
Nope. I get no feedback at all. I just tell shawo my target, and they go... ok. I have no way of knowing whether it worked or not unfortunately.
They're basically forced to kill one of rosetti or shellbell tonight, otherwise a mafia will be outed each night with shellbell recharging rosetti and rosetti revealing another squirtle
i don't think rosetti's ability will necessarily reveal a squirtle squad, as more nights goes on, there'll be more people "visiting" each other, making a bigger list of suspects.
Rip IonicKarma... this was completely unexpected. 😢 All I can do is call on an emergency meeting for you. 😟

It's interesting to see that there may finally be some leads! My take on the Rosetti v. Mistreil situation is the following (multiple scenarios I have in mind):
  • Rosetti (townie)/Mistreil (Squirtle Squad):
    • Rosetti truly has an investigative ability/role and is telling us the truth. Because she is concerned she might be the next target, she decided to speak of this newfound evidence to inform other townies. Mistreil is part of Squirtle Squad and has been deceiving us. As such, Mistreil most recent post would seem more like an excuse (trying to defend herself) – Mistreil is using the "appeal to pity" tactic in order to gain others' sympathy. For example, Mistreil stated that she's being ganged up on by Squirtle Squad or that she gained an ability (a star) but had it stolen this morning.
  • Rosetti (Squirtle Squad)/Mistreil (townie):
    • Rosetti is part of Squirtle Squad and is throwing Mistreil (who's actually innocent) out, as they are the only Bellflowers left. However, this action seems risky to me... why would Rosetti throw this out before another player takes notice of this trend (2 Bellflowers in a row being "killed")? This strategy would be more detrimental to her rather than beneficial. By pointing out this trend, she would also make herself sus – she is also part of Bellflowers. Why would she take on such risk of framing Mistreil?
  • Rosetti (Squirtle Squad)/Mistreil (Squirtle Squad):
    • Both are playing mind games with townies. Rosetti and Mistreil are part of Squirtle Squad and because they're the only Bellflowers left, Rosetti decided to throw Mistreil under the bus. Again, this strategy seems risky, as no one had mentioned anything about the Bellflowers murdered trend until Rosetti pointed it out. Would gaining the townie's trust by throwing Mistreil under the bus benefit her more than working together as Squirtle Squad? Why would they go to such length so early in the game? They could have stayed quiet and perhaps, no one would have suspected them. Remember that Rosetti has been advocating for the "keeping the game wholesome" trend... Was this just a farce?
  • Rosetti (townie)/Mistreil (townie):
    • Rosetti investigated Kilza's murder and received some misleading information: although only Mistreil had visited Kilza during the night, Mistreil was actually innocent. I've read that there are detective roles that may give a misleading read, but this applies to roles rather than to who visited who (i.e., investigating player A and getting a read as vanilla when vanilla could mean vanilla townie or mafia goon).
On a slightly different note, after having read the different roles from the Encyclopedia Maftannica thread, I have the following question: is it possible for 2 players to have the exact same role/ability in these types of games? I'm not sure if you can answer this question @shawo.
  • For example, 2 players could have an investigative role/ability (both are detectives), a "battery" role/ability (both are able to recharge other players), a "shield" role/ability (both can have immunity for the night), etc. I just read Kattea's comment and it seems like Rosetti and Kattea have similar roles but are different in that one can visit dead people as opposed to the other who can visit alive people.
  • I've gone back to other players' previous posts and I've noticed Emolga stating they didn't want to use their ability "unless necessary":
This is correct, my reasoning being that I don't know if there's another ability that I should look out for while using my own (I only want to use when necessary/useful just to be safe) [emphasis are my own]
  • Mistreil has also said something similar:
i would like to address rosie's concern of me not contributing what my role was at all -- beyond the fact that i can't visit anyone, it is best summarized as


you have no idea how long i was sitting on this

so immunity for a night + day. but i was hoping my bribes would work so i don't have to use it or i could use it strategically [emphasis are my own]
  • This makes me wonder the following:
    • Emolga has not disclosed what their ability was, but has stated they only "want to use when necessary/useful just to be safe" just like Mistreil wanting to "use it strategically".
    • As such, it's only me making assumptions here, but would it possible for Emolga and Mistreil to both have obtained a star? Because I'm only aware of the detective, rechargeable and now the immunity abilities, the immunity ability would make the most sense when Emolga stated "just to be safe". Perhaps "to be safe" meant to protect oneself from being killed for one night?(Anyone is free to answer this question. I'm in no way pressuring anyone to disclose their ability if they do not wish to.)
  • The point of me asking this question: if it's not possible for players to have the exact same ability, then someone may be lying about having an ability.
yall got me even more confused and idk who to believe anymore 😭 😭 😭 😭

I think rosie's argument is strong and even has kattea to back up the ability but at the same time mistreil's explanation seems really specific??

I'm also wondering if mistreil's "ability" is possibly an item, like the super star because that's how it sounds with immunity and the way it was "stolen" maybe someone had a boo or something???

And if mafia really did make it so mistreil showed up could we check who then visited mistreil if mistreil isn't mafia???
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Also kind of random that mafia would target mistreil rather than anyone else which I don't believe said anything about having an ability or item but correct me if im wrong??
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before the posts from today i mean
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wait u guys i am so dumb its a star yeah
I know Rosie is telling the truth about her ability because I have a similar ability. I am 100% sure Rosie is town because she used the exact same terminology shawo used for me (“visit”) and I don’t think she could have made that up.

for this bit, i think if the squirtle squad do have abilities, i feel like the wording used ("visit") would be consistent there too. "visit" is also used regularly in mafia games, so it's not too out of the blue.

(i obviously can't confirm this though because i can't visit anyone at all, so its just speculation on my part)

We now know there are two detective-like roles, one of them being checking who visited dead people which sounds super OP. The game feels very stacked against the mafia. To balance this, there could either be three mafia OR the mafia have special abilities themselves. Mistreil already mentioned having their ability stolen. I also wonder if another ability can be to make the townies “sleepwalk” to visit the dead? Just a thought.
thinking to the (investigative) abilities mentioned we have these claims:
  • kikotoot: able to see whether someone is safe or not (checking alignments?)
  • kattea: able to see who living people visited
  • rosetti: able to see who visited dead people
which is... certainly a lot. im not sure which ones need a durashell battery to recharge, though

assuming my ability was stolen by a squirtle squad member, i'm going to guess they have abilities of some sort. assuming no one was lying so far, from the brutal beating i took that would mean
  • one is able to change how visits look in some way (which would be a good counter to the two visit-checking roles?)
  • one is able to steal abilities
i actually really don't like sussing people without hard evidence but there's the option of rosie lying -- if, at worse, theres 3 squirtle squad members remaining then a mis-elimination today + kill tonight would mean you all have to eliminate someone tomorrow (and that'll decide the game if you get it wrong).

being voted before i could say anything is sort of ??? but rosie's also in a different timezone so it could've been so they don't miss it

i'd rather believe the "some role messes with visits" ability exists though

oh wow, what a way to wake up this morning...
I believe rosie's claims and is also against mistreil. (if @Mistreil , you're voted out, does this mean.... no more memes?)
(but no ill probably make memes from my graveyard and post them once the game is over, don't worry)

all of mistreil's "defenses" seem too convenient. rosie probably used the word "visit" just as a paraphrase instead of saying word for word what her ability is since that's not allowed. and getting an invincibility power stolen? what are the chances of that? assuming squirtle squad targeted mistreil on purpose, how did they know exactly what they're looking for? why not steal kiko's whos ability seems way more annoying?
honestly i dont know why they stole from me and my only thoughts are that it's to make me useless so they can keep me around without any danger to them
unless they can use their ability again (if shell recharges them?) -- they might've just been lucky that i had a star

(i would put more memes in this but i have a 2 hour meeting in like 5 minutes im sorry GKLFJDGKLFDJ)
Kinda a question for everyone:

After night 1 (the first one, not this one), who would you have recharged if you had the power to recharge someone's used up ability
hmm... after hearing all this from everyone i don't know anymore... i'm still sus of mistreil but a lot less now. plus i want those memes.
After night 1 (the first one, not this one), who would you have recharged if you had the power to recharge someone's used up ability
obvs kiko since at that point, you were the only one able to give us leads
Maybe something went wrong, but I wasn't recharged
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It's possible you were blocked, but I wasn't able to use my ability again tonight (which is a shame cuz it'd've helped with the rosie Mistreil sitch)
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Or maybe I was blocked and yours went through
Let’s not rely too much on the sleepwalking theory, since I literally just made it up and it’s very likely that no such thing exists. I’m just very inclined to believe everyone, and I didn’t see why Mistreil would make up losing their star, especially as a defence for not killing Kilza. It just doesn’t really help their case at all.

I also have a feeling the Mafia are the quieter ones and they’re just having a good time watching us speculate and point fingers at each other.

@kikotoot my ability does not require a recharge since it’s not that OP. I keep checking the wrong people and getting no information.

Also I did ask shawo earlier about mafia abilities or vanilla townies and he said he would not disclose.
in any case, if the mafia do have abilities, it's possible that you could be one (shellbell) and decided to recharge someone else, hoping to be less useful to the townies, but it seems a little odd for a squirtle squad member to have the recharge power.

My best guess atm is one of us was blocked by someone who hasn't spoken up yet
hmm... i think i will not announce who i will use my ability on from now on. but i'll take suggestions and announce who i used it on the next day.