Mafia Baby Mafia - Main thread.

Better do it before you die.

OKAY GUYS, thoughts on Tessa??? I'm no good at this because I trust everyone who speaks and she has now spoken LOL. She's giving me defeated townie vibes, like she just gave up on defending herself cause it was just too much. That or she doesn't care if she lives or dies cause she's one of 3 mafia. I'm actually really scared of the possibility that there are 3 mafia, like we really can't mess up our vote.

in one simple statement: i am not changing my vote

good night for real now everyone LOL i really need to sleep
that was scary

like legit i know i'm just reading letters on a computer screen but when i have never felt so much fear in my soul
i feel so shooken now

Omg I can't tell if you're serious but some people have really bad anxiety so if those words scared you I'm really sorry. This is a fun game and ily <3
assuming there's 2-3 mafia, there's a 50% we chance we get it right, and a 50% chance we vote out a townie, ending the game (unless a power that's been kept hidden comes in handy)
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the stakes rn 👀
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I kinda feel the defeated townie vibes from Tessa too, this was definitely a lot to come back to
If we vote wrong and there's 3 mafia*, then it becomes a 50/50 townie mafia game and I think the mafia wins that cuz they can tie every vote
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granted, if there's 3 mafia our odds of choosing one out of the 5 randomly are slightly > 50%
I believe the game ends when there are an equal amount of townies and mafia. Worst case there are 3 mafia and the game ends when there are 6 left. There are currently... 9 people?
Would it be safest to vote out one of Mistreil or Rosie tonight? and then just vote out the other to guarantee a hit?
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I believe the game ends when there are an equal amount of townies and mafia. Worst case there are 3 mafia and the game ends when there are 6 left. There are currently... 9 people?

I counted you and Shell as 1 person when using my graph to do the math 😅 you're very much correct
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i.e. we're still ok if we vote wrong tonight
Okay, I didn't realize the game would be over if we ended up voting a townie during this day! If we're 9 people and that 2 are taken out (assuming they are both townies), there would be 7 players left, meaning that that there would still be 1 round to go right?
Would it be safest to vote out one of Mistreil or Rosie tonight? and then just vote out the other to guarantee a hit?

This kind of thinking is what got Tessa sussed in the first place lol.
Hypothetically, if we forget about Tessa for a sec, who do we trust more between Rosie and Mistreil?
okay i'm back and more refreshed than ever

as i've already said i trust rosie more than mistreil but good luck to everyone else, follow your heart C:

Omg I can't tell if you're serious but some people have really bad anxiety so if those words scared you I'm really sorry. This is a fun game and ily <3

don't worry i was only a little serious

it was a little startling but i'm okay
I'm actually more confused now that @thetessagrace has answered... I also get a defeated townie vibe; however, it may also be a "gaining the townies' sympathy" tactic, similar to @Mistreil. I need to scrutinize thetessagrace's posts more before forming an opinion!

I have detailed on @Mistreil and @Rosetti being potentially sus too, but I don't really understand Rosetti's reasoning for accusing Mistreil if she were a Squirtle Squad member; she could have chosen anyone, so why Mistreil? No one had pointed out the Bellflowers "murder" trend, so why point it out before anyone else? Would it not be better to wait and see if someone else would mention it before joining in that conversation? Also, say that Rosetti was from Squirtle Squad, why would they out Mistreil when she just had an ability stolen rendering her relatively "useless" (excuse my crude words)? Most of players here (including Rosetti) enjoy Mistreil's memes, so it may have been safe to keep her here. But again, this may be Squirtle Squad tactic to skew a vote towards an innocent townie OR a misread from Rosetti rendering both of them innocent.

I'm more sus of Mistreil simply because Rosetti had provided evidence, but also because Mistreil has a similar ability to mine; however, it works differently. I'd like to wait and see Mistreil's reply before casting my vote though, so I'll wait until tomorrow at the very last minute to vote!
Ok so, I found this:
is there any reason u targeted me in particular shellbell :0
nothing did indeed happen, I plan for that to stay that way until a few more nights xoxo
aka I am completely useless until endgame LOL

We know this to be untrue, cuz checking the dead is always relevant, and they checked the dead the next night. They could have been lying to protect themselves though.

ye they literally confirm the lie here:


I'm confident in this which is why I have locked in my vote already;
I downplayed my ability to look like less of a target to mafia (so yes mayb I lied a lil hehe)

The rationale for bellflower tagetting and Rosetti using the ability as the "last" bellflower alive also makes sense...

tbh yeah, I see no reason not to believe Rosie.

but Mistreil is so convincing!
@Equity did shawo ever call it a Star? Or was that just something we made up like we made up the Squirtle Squad. Also, is it an item or an ability? Sorry if you've already clarified these things, there's just so many posts here.
Emolga! ok, so, I'd really *really* love to hear more about your ability or what you're waiting for to use it best. From the two 'starter' 'single-use' abilities we know of (mine and rosie's), they've been able to provide pretty good information. Yours so far sounds like a non-information ability. Is there any way we can plan using it to get information? Or is it really absolutely best no one knows what it is and you keep it for a moment you have planned
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This kinda goes double for Tessa and Bungo. Is there any way we can plan to use your abilities to ensure we can safely get some good info tomorrow? or would they not at all benefit from coordination
@Equity did shawo ever call it a Star? Or was that just something we made up like we made up the Squirtle Squad. Also, is it an item or an ability? Sorry if you've already clarified these things, there's just so many posts here.
Am I allowed to disclose it? The PM says not to copy-paste any of its content but I’ve seen others use the term “star” and there hasn’t been any repercussions. It would just suck to be eliminated because of that. 😅
Emolga! ok, so, I'd really *really* love to hear more about your ability or what you're waiting for to use it best. From the two 'starter' 'single-use' abilities we know of (mine and rosie's), they've been able to provide pretty good information. Yours so far sounds like a non-information ability. Is there any way we can plan using it to get information? Or is it really absolutely best no one knows what it is and you keep it for a moment you have planned
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This kinda goes double for Tessa and Bungo. Is there any way we can plan to use your abilities to ensure we can safely get some good info tomorrow? or would they not at all benefit from coordination
i'm not planning to use my ability until the end if the mafia:town ratio gets a little too close to equal. it doesn't help me gather information unfortunately.
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okay fr now i'm going to bed
This kind of thinking is what got Tessa sussed in the first place lol.
Hypothetically, if we forget about Tessa for a sec, who do we trust more between Rosie and Mistreil?
i believe rosie more based on what you said about your ability being similar to hers. while mistreil is in a similar situation with equity, it just doesn't feel right (two stars? why not a star and a pirahna plant or someth). i feel like one of them is likely just made up rather than them both being so similar-but-not-similar.

so it's rosie v mistreil, and equity v mistreil... either rosie and equity are both squirtle squad, or just mistreil is, and mistreil seems more likely rn because the rosie/equity side seems extremely messy and not like a coordinated effort lol

also i know we're talking about the mistreil situation but tessa's non-information ability... she still didn't say anything about it. lots of us have non-information abilities but we still at least shared a little something