Bad ∞ End ∞ Night [Roleplay]

Ayane looked across the room, where she saw the fridge opposite her. She crawled on her hands and knees over to it, before taking out a plate of crew caramel, and huddling back under the table with Yukiko. She got a spoon and pouted cutely at the girl. "I get hungry when I'm scared." She said with a silly pouty face.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Mikan turned to the village girl, wobbling as she painfully got to her feet. "YOU! It is all YOUR fault! If you never came here, this never would of happened." She pointed the knife at the girl.
"M-My fault? I didn't do anything!" Charlotte protested, taking a step backwards. She had the clock hand grasped firmly in her hand.
"You ruined... Everything!" She shouted crazily, hobbling as quick as she could towards the girl to attack her. "We all hate you! Just leave! You cursed this place you ****ing *****!"
Mina woke up suddenly from her short black out, she started screaming at the top of her lungs, hoplessly she walked right Infront of Charlotte defending her, "Don't touch her, don't you dare touch her you b****! If you want her you'll have to get through me," blood started rapidly pouring out she started screaming again but she was determined to help Charlotte. She fell to the ground, then whispered "Don't worry, I like you" she fell down, straight dead.
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Yukiko let out a quiet chuckle, "You're real cute, ya know?"
Mikan noticed her sister in law in her way. "Fine! I'll just slice you out of my way!" Mikan slashed her knife in Mina's direction.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ayane put the spoon in her mouth and pulled a face at how lovely it tasted. "C-Cute?" She blushed. "N-No I'm not..."
Yukiko smiled at Ayane. "Yeah you are, you're real cute," Yukiko replied.
"M-Mina!" Charlotte panicked, crouching down to see if she was okay. When she saw she wasn't, the village girl got back up again, glaring at Mikan. If she was going to be killed in this mad house, she was at least going to take Mikan down with her.
Ayane made another pouty face. "Ssssshhhhhhh stop saying that!" She blushed childishly.
Mikan laughed again, aiming her attack at the village girl.
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Yukiko giggled, "Why should I? I just wanna tell you the truth," a smirk appeared across Yukiko's face.
Charlotte moved to the side in an attempt to dodge Mikan, though her main effort was focused on stabbing at the mistress of the house with her own weapon whilst she was up close enough.
Ayane stuck her tongue out and crossed her arms. "H-Hey! Don't bully me." She pouted.
Mikan felt the blade connect with the side of her head, instantly killing her. Mikan fell flat on the floor, eyes wide and blood pouring out as her hair and fancy dress became stained by her own blood.
Yukiko scoffed, "I'm not bullying you, I'm just tryin' to compliment you." Yukiko looked around, then smirked at Ayane.
Charlotte sunk down to her knees, clutching her arm where Mikan's knife had made contact, and looking in horror at Mikan's body. I killed someone... I actually killed someone...

Jonathan sat on the floor, between Mina and Vick, tears falling down his face as he watched Mikan fall. In any other circumstances he'd have intervened before Charlotte had killed her, but after losing Vick and his sister, he no longer seemed to care.
Yukiko had an idea pop into her head. "If I was gonna bully you, why would I do this?" She inched closer to Ayane, then wrapped her arms around Ayane.
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"Only hugging you to show you that I'm not gonna bully you," Yukiko smiled.