Bad ∞ End ∞ Night [Roleplay]

Charlotte stayed silent for a while. She'd already been found out. "...Hide?" she asked after a while. "Wouldn't that make me seem more suspicious though..?"
Riku faced all four people who were there. "So.. I think we should be looking for her, I think there is something off about her. I want things to go back to normal, I'm pretty sure we all do.." She stated, and turned her head to Ayane. "Well, maybe not everything," she giggled, and winked.
"Well not really hide will just go into a room stay there for a while until the tension has died out," then she said while walking "Come on I'll show you my room I never showed you properly, if they come we can say I just wanted you to see it a bit more," she strolled off leading to her room.
Yukiko turned to Riku, "Yes, that sounds like a good thing to do." Yukiko started to scratch her arm, eventually with the scratching turning into a fast pace. Her skin that she scratched began to turn red for irratation.
Jonathan watched the staff converse with amusement, particularly Riku and Ayane's exchange. There must be something between them two, he thought, a genuine smile on his face.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Charlotte smiled, following Mina. Of all of them, she seemed the most trustworthy, even if she did know what she'd seen.
When they came to the room she got a key from the pocket of her dress, "You know your the only one who I've ever allowed into my room, I keep it locked, safe, never even showed my brother, Jonathan." She got the silver key and put it into the lock revealing her room, quiclkly she closed the door before anyone came.
"I don't actually know myself, I just have this feeling, your different," she replied back to her "Anyway I'll explain the coffins to you, only if your sure you want to know.."
"Best not" she said quickly checking if anyone was near, "Hmm I think all the tension has died down," she went out then smiled saying "Let's go then,"

Then she thought for a while the curiously asked "How about I show you this special book, we think it tells the future, what will happen next."
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"Special book?" Charlotte asked curiously. How can a book tell the future? she wondered.

(Sorry I took a while to post, I had something to do.)
Riku faced all four people who were there. "So.. I think we should be looking for her, I think there is something off about her. I want things to go back to normal, I'm pretty sure we all do.." She stated, and turned her head to Ayane. "Well, maybe not everything," she giggled, and winked.

Ayane giggled obliviously to the wink and smiled. "Let's go on a villager hunt then!" She did a march like skip out of the room.
Vick was walking down the hallways near the back of the house. He looked around for clues when he heard footsteps behind him. Suddenly, before he even had the chance to move, he felt a sharp pain as something cut into his back. He coughed up blood as he felt his vision blur. "Argh! T-The h-hell...?"
Mikan, full of drunken rage stabbed the butler in the back. Jonathan is MINE.
Yukiko followed Ayane, walking in a normal fashion. She smiled at Riku then turned her head back to facing forward.
Mina nodded. "I'll show you," she started going down the grand hall, she stopped then saw Mikan had stabbed Vick in the back. Mina ran to Vick "VICK!!! Your bleeding..." She stared at Mikan then shouted "HOW COULD YOU BE SO, SO MEAN!" She was full of anger, she knew how much Johnathan liked Vick, "You- you monster.."
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Charlotte followed Mina out, and stopped dead in her tracks when she spotted Vick and Mikan. Her eyes widened. What the..?

Jonathan heard Mina shouting from a seperate room, though he was too far away to hear exactly what she was saying. Hoping nothing bad had happened, he started heading in that direction.
Mikan turned her head towards the two girl, clearly lost her mind, she started laughing like a psychopath. She grinned evilly clutching the knife as Vick fell to the floor.
Charlotte slowly started to back away. If these people were crazy enough to kill eachother, what chance did she have as the stranger that'd been snooping around?
Yukiko started to walk faster, hearing a bit of screaming. She eventually got ahead of Ayane and continued to walk faster. Yukiko came to a scene of a mad woman that just stabbed the innocent butler. Her eyes went wide as she stopped dead in her tracks. "...Is she okay...?" Yukiko whispered to herself. "She's clearly lost her mind..." Yukiko added in, still in a quiet tone.
Riku was shocked. She started backing away, turning into a backwards run. She ran into her room, and shutt the door, locking it. "The woman's gone mad..." she murmered, and flopped onto her bed. She looked out the window. Maybe time is frozen.. she thought. Riku looked a bit more, and started to cry. She reached under her matress and grabbed a knife. She pointed it at her wrist, but jabbed it into the wall. That girl... Charolette.. Who is she? Riku pulled the knife out of the wall, and held it like she was going to stab someone, but wrote into the wall, 'WE ARE NO LONGER SANE' and chuckled to herself
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