Bad ∞ End ∞ Night [Roleplay]

Jonathan ran towards whwre he had heard voices before, passing Riku going into her room on the way. When he spotted the others, he skidded to a halt, seeing Vick bleeding on the floor. "...What... the..." He said quietly as his eyes widened. For a while he was unable to say anyhing else, and looked like he was about to be sick. "N-no..."
Mina suddenly started crying she hugged Vick, quietly she said "You'll be okay, don't worry," she stood up leaving Vick with Johnathan, she marched angrily up to Mikan and punched her hardly "THATS FOR STABBING VICK ON HIS BACK!" She felt like killing her, but she wouldn't, she turned back to Vick on the ground and shouted "Someone get a first aid kit! Anyone!! " Sadily sobbing she stopped looking at Vick and turned to Johnathan and said "Don't worry he'll be fine, atleast he's not dying," she laughed misrebally at her fail of an attempt of a joke.
Mikan took the hit from her sister in law and growled, before laughing as she clutched the knife before diving towards the group, swinging madly. "I did it all for you my love! Jonathan now we can be happy!"
Ayane screamed at the top of her lungs, moving backwards. "AGGGGHHHH! Oh no! Nonononono! This night must have made her g-go insane!" When the knife swung past the group, missing everyone, Ayane ran away crying. "Please don't kill me!" She cried then ran to the kitchen, hiding under a table.
Vick was coughing up blood, his vision blurry, but he could see the group. He outstretched his arm towards Jonathan, then collapsed to the floor, having bled out.
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Yukiko saw Ayane run away, so she quickly followed her. She spotted Ayane under a table and quickly slid under it. Yukiko looked her in the eyes, "Hey, don't cry. I won't let her hurt you. She's gonna have to get through me before she touches you," Yukiko stated proudly. She then put her arms around Ayane and hugged her.

Ayane shivered, but felt relaxed when the girl was hugging her making her feel more at ease. "T-Thank y-you..." The girl said and hugged tightly. "Why is she doing this... What is happening..." Ayane whispered.
"It's no problem, really," Yukiko whispered. "I don't know, I think she's lost her mind," the doll girl added in.
Jonathan slid down onto his knees besides Vick. "...No..." he said quietly, taking his outstretched hand. Moments later, he let go again and stood up, glaring at Mikan. Full of rage, all manners and politeness out of the window. "WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He yelled, fists clenched.
"This night is making people go insane..." Ayane said crying. "I just want everything to go back to the way it was... All I want is for this night to end and to eat some more cake..."

Mikan turned to face her husband smiling, running to him and romantically grabbing his hands. "I did it to save our marriage sweetie. He was trying to take you from me! I did it for us don't you see!? You love me right dearest?'
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Gut instinct told him to lie again, and say yes like he always had, but this time he couldn't bring himself to do it. Not after what had just happened. He yanked his hands out of hers. "No, Mikan," He said harshly. "You've just stabbed an innocent man. I couldn't love you. I don't, and I never have," he spat. He hadn't meant to say it all but once he'd started talking, everything came out at once.
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All the kindness of Mina was gone, she was like a new person, she snatched the knife angrily out of her and put it into her leg deeply, but not enough to kill her, only to hurt her a lot, "YOU KNOW WHAT??? YOUR NOT EVEN A PERSON ANYMORE! LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" she stopped and started weeping again "Why did you do that, why Vick," "CAN YOU NOT HANDLE YOUR HUSBAND HAVING A GOOF FRIEND? Your the one who dosent love him most, for doing this to one of his best friends."
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Yukiko held Ayane close, "Shhhh," she whispered into Ayane's ear. "It's going to be alright, I promise," Yukiko was trying to calm down Ayane with a calm tone and a gentle voice.
Charlotte ran down the hallway away from the others. She didn't want to be around killers, especially without a weapon to defend herself. As she thought about a weapon, she went past the broken grandfather clock and skidded to a halt. The clock hands are sharp.... It doesn't work anyway, I could use that as a weapon, right..?
Mikan stared blankly into the boys eyes. "You... Never... Have..." She felt her universe metaphorically go black as she tried to take the boys hands back and desperately got close to him. "Not even that time when we kissed at in the park... Not even the time you carried me over the puddle to keep my shoes dry... Jonathan?" (Omfg I am actually referencing The Great Gatsby my English lit A level class would be proud)

- - - Post Merge - - -

All the kindness of Mina was gone, she was like a new person, she snatched the knife angrily out of her and put it into her leg deeply, but not enough to kill her, only to hurt her a lot, "YOU KNOW WHAT??? YOUR NOT EVEN A PERSON ANYMORE! LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" she stopped and started weeping again "Why did you do that, why Vick," "CAN YOU NOT HANDLE YOUR HUSBAND HAVING A GOOF FRIEND? Your the one who dosent love him most, for doing this to one of his best friends."
Mikan screamed as she fell to her knees. "You ****ing *****! How dare you! I-I will kill you, you stupid *****!" Mikan, ignoring the pain, pulled the knife out from her leg and slashed at the girl.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yukiko held Ayane close, "Shhhh," she whispered into Ayane's ear. "It's going to be alright, I promise," Yukiko was trying to calm down Ayane with a calm tone and a gentle voice.

Ayane smiled softly. "... Thank you..." She cuddled closer for protection. "Do you think the others are alright?"
"Never," Jonathan said harshly. "I only married you in the first place because of pressure from my family. You were the best of the choices I had. But I never loved you. Everything we did, evrrything I did for you, was faked because I didn't want to break your heart."
(Just so people remember, as I have put in the OP, when your character dies once the night resets they will return to life so don't be afraid to get characters into danger)
"It's no problem," Yukiko smiled. "...From the sounds of it, I don't think they are," Yukiko started to get a bit nervous, fearing the worst for all of them.
"Never," Jonathan said harshly. "I only married you in the first place because of pressure from my family. You were the best of the choices I had. But I never loved you. Everything we did, evrrything I did for you, was faked because I didn't want to break your heart."

Mikan had burst into tears after hearing this, not even able to respond. Where is the point in living... When Senpai doesn't even love me... He never loved me... My life is worthless...
After a slight hesitation, Charlotte smashed the glass at the top of the grandfather clock and yanked off the minutes hand, which was very pointy and sharp at the top. She now felt a lot safer, now that she had a weapon.
Mina fell to the ground in panic she looked at the knife, she just made out these words "How could you hurt Vick, one of the nicest guys ever, I never liked you as a sister-in-law, you were always rude to me when no one was looking,-" she was about to finish her sentence until she felt flat on the ground becaus of all the impact and pain, she passed out, her last thoughts were, 'Run Charlotte, run from these crazy people..'