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Bad ∞ End ∞ Night [Roleplay]

Mikan bolted awake, sitting up straight in her bed. She made a face as if she was going to scream, but stopped, holding her head. "... What happened..." Her memory was fuzzy. She saw her husband laying next to her. As she went to shake him awake, she remembered a vivid vision. It was of Jonathan telling her he never loved her. "... What..." She touched the boy again. "Darling wake up..."
Vick awoke and lay in his bed. He touched his back where he rememberd being stabbed. "What... The hell...?" He rememberd being stabbed, but didn't remember by who. "I... Died?"
Ayane woke and yawned, stretching her arms. She rememberd something happened, but was unsure. "Was I dreaming?" She walked up to the curtains and opened them. The night was still dark. "... Ehhhhh?!" She shouted confused.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Last chance for someone to take control of the doll boy, if no one wants to use him I'll remove him from the RP)
Even with Mikan to wake him, it took Jonathan a few moments to wake up. Eventually he sat up, rubbing his eyes, and looked at Mikan, a little confused. Was something going on? "...What is it, dear..?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Charlotte woke up, streyching, and looked aroynd. It took a brief moment of confusion to work out where she was. Oh right, I stayed after that party... The village gorl spent a while trying to work out what she'd been dreaming about; it seemed quite interestung and there was a lot of blood involved, but she couldn't remember much more than that.
Riku opened her eyes, her head hurting and took a few moments to really wake up. "What the..." She remembered people getting killed, including herself, but not by whom. "Must've been a dream.." she mumbled, and looked out the window, to see it was still dark. "Or not," she stammered, and stood up. Riku walked out of her room and went downstairs to check the clock. Four minutes to midnight. She screamed, and ran back up the stairs, backing into Jonathan's door, making a loud thud.
Ayane opened her door to look outside her room, she heard Riku scream. "A-Are you okay?"
Mikan looked at her husband. "You... Love me... Right?"
"T-the time the night.. i-it's still the same.." Riku whimpered, breathing heavily. "Didn't I... die?"
Ayane gave a confused look, but then suddenly felt a vivid vision, watching the maid fall dead in front of her after grabbing her hand. Ayane gave out a whimper. "Y-Yes!" She hugged Riku. "You are alive!" She then remembered her own death. "I- I am alive too!"
"What?" Jonathan looked at Mikan, confused. Where is this coming from? "Mikan, of course I love you," he lied without hesitation. For some reason however, for the first time in a long time he actually felt a little guilty for lying to her.
Ayane was crying a little. "I s-saw someone stab you... And then someone killed Jonathan too! W-where is Yukiko and the others? Are they okay?"
"I d-don't know," Riku stammered, her eyes watering. "But I'm confused and scared..." she said, and hesitated before saying her next line. "And in love," Riku giggled, and looked in Ayane's eyes.(;);););););););););););););))
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Ayane looked up at Riku. "In love-?" Before she could finish Mikan opened the door.
"What are you guys doing up so late?" Mikan frowned. "Wait... I am getting deja vu..."
Riku looked at Mikan. "No, you're not. It's happening again. Go look at the clock," she said, and looked back at Ayane and whispered, "With you."
Hearing vouces from outside in the hallway, Charlotte went over to the door and opened it. "...W-what's going on?" she asked, spotting the crowd of people gathered together.
Mina woke up suddenly and said, "Huh- I died... Didn't I... Hmm must be all that wine.." Stretching her arms she yawned and got her key, for 5 hard seconds until she remembered what happened with her and Charlotte, 'Must be a dream, well I hope so...' She unlocked her room and closed it tight and mumbled while she walked down the hall in her nightgown.
Ayane looked at the girl and pulled a shocked face. "Ehhhhh? M-Me?"
"Let's go see this clock then." Mikan headed towards it when she heard the voice of the village girl. For whatever reason it filled her with dred. "Charlotte?" She narrowed her eyes, feeling on edge.
Mina went down to the book which held the future, when she was finally opened it she decided to check on the clock and left the book hidden on the top shelf in a secret safe hidden. She couldn't forget what she did with Charlotte, it started to annoy her, she ran to the clock, while she ran the key fell out of her pocket letting anyone into her room.
"Yes, with you," Riku said, looking into the confused girl's eyes still. "I love you, Ayane Tsumigi," She smiled, and kissed the girl on the forehead
Charlotte looked confused; was Mikan acting a little weird now? She sounded like she didn't trust the village girl, almost as in the mistress was scaref of her.
Ayane blushed as the girl suddenly kissed her cheek. Ayane had no idea what to say or do, she looked so shocked. What's got into her all of a sudden? Ayane was going to say something but was cut off by the clicking of Mikan's fingers.
Ayane get everyone a drink, we need to sit down and talk about what is going on." Mikan said sternly.
"S-Sure!" Ayane skipped off.
Vick walked around the corner, seeing Jonathan. He stopped in his tracks, he felt warm inside seeing him, but his body shivered cold at the sight of Mikan. Was te misstress the one that killed me?
"We should talk in the dining room, so everyone can sit around the table together," Jonathan said, for some reason feeling as though he'd said the exact same thing before. He quickly glanced around the group, noticing a couple others had joined them, including Vick. Suddenly he felt another twinge of guilt about lying to Mikan about loving her. He'd never felt bad about her thinking he loved her before - he didn't want her to be hurt. So why the sudden guilt?