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Bad ∞ End ∞ Night [Roleplay]

(Accepted, just make sure to explain her absence and how she died the last night on her own somehow)

(Alright! Thank you.)

Mitsuki rose from her covers, then let out a cough. "I had the strangest dream last night, I was choking on something and then I just died," (She choked in her sleep.) the tailor looked around her room. "I aren't dead right?" Mitsuki questioned herself, she then pinched herself to make sure. "Looks like I am not, dead," Mitsuki giggled. Mitsuki got up from her bed, then tied her hair into her usually updo. Mitsuki looked out a nearby window to see it was still dark out. "Strange..." the tailor mumbled. Mitsuki didn't think much of it, maybe she just overslept, she changed into her regular clothes. Mitsuki left her room, then walked down the hallway.

Mitsuki made her way to the kitchen to see everyone gathered round. "Huh...?" Mitsuki tilted her head at Charlotte. "I was off sleeping and we have a new visitor? Gee, I didn't know so much could happen in eight hours," Mitsuki stated. "Why is it still dark out? Is it still night time?" Mitsuki rubbed her eyes.
Ayah was came back with her chocolate cake for everyone when she saw Mitsuki, nearly dropping it in the floor. "M-Mitsuki?!" She put the cake in the table and hugged the girl. "Where have you been?" Anaheim moved back, grabbing the girls arms to make sure she was real. "Did you die? How long have you been asleep? I thought you must have been in town or something and stated the night." Anaheim shook the girl childishly. "Where were you!"
Mitsuki hugged Ayane back, "I was only asleep my dear." Mitsuki smiled at Ayane, "I must have only been asleep for eight hours, the usual time. Or was I longer? I can't tell." Mitsuki placed her hands on Ayane's shoulder so she would stop shaking her. "Calm down my dear, I was in my room asleep this whole time. Now you must tell me what has happened while I was gone," Mitsuki smiled.
Riku took a slice of cake from Ayane, and took a bite, soon after, saw Mitsuki. "Hello, Mitsuki. Oh, where to start... Ah, yes. So this girl, Charolette," Riku said, pointing towards the village girl,"Came here because it was raining. We ate, and had dinner, then celebrated our guest. During of which, we got drunk, which I hate to say, I think I was most, and passed out. I woke up four minutes to midnight, or at least that's what the broken clock said. Everyone else woke up, and that's when things got strange. People got killed, that part I'm pretty sure most of us are blurry on. But we woke up, in our beds, as if it were morning, but it had still been dark. It's been dark this whole time. We have no idea what's going on," The maid explained, and took anther bite of cake, then a sip of tea.
Mitsuki turned her attention to the maid. "Hello Riku," the tailor gave Riku a warm smile. Mitsuki listened carefully, "Well that's something that I've never heard of before." Mitsuki then turned her attention to Charlotte, "I know I must be late with this introduction, but welcome Charlotte."
Ayane always saw Mitsuki as a mother figure and was glad she was safe. Ayane sat in her seat again eating a cake. "So... How do we get the night to end?"
Mikan shrugged. "I'm not sure. Perhaps we have to do something specific, or perhaps even do nothing at all."
"T-Thanks," Charlotte said to Mitsuki, smiling. At least there was one person still being friendly towards her.

"People remember dying, correct?" Jonathan asked. "Myself included, but obviously we're all still here. Assuming what happened was real, does that mean that we can't die, at least until this ends?"
Ayane nodded. "I-I think?"
"But we must not think like that, we don't know whether or not this night or the next will be our last, so getting killed should not be taken lightly." Mikan commented.
"Exactly," Riku added in, finishing her cake and tea. "I want things to go back to normal soon, assuming this wont last long... Say, where's Lady Mina? I haven't seen her since last night, I don't think," The maid stated.
Yukiko sat in a chair quietly, watching everyone else converse. She was thinking about how this night will eventually end. Yukiko began to space out a bit.

Mitsuki pulled out a chair, then sat in it. Mitsuki turned to Riku, "Maybe she's sleeping, or she could be in the bathroom. I'm sure she's fine though." Mitsuki smiled at Riku then turned her attention back to the task at hand.
"I have an idea!" Ayane called out. "What if we just don't kill anyone? Maybe that is why the night looped?"
"Hmm, I guess we could try it..." Mikan said.
"Sounds like a good idea, if we all keep in high spirits no one will die surely." Vick nodded. "We could all go do something fun." Vick commented.
"That's a good idea," Jonathan agreed. "What would you suggest, for something fun?"
"H-how about playing a game? Like Truth or Dare or something like that?" Charlotte suggested.
(ToD the Roleplay classic game)

Ayane nodded giggling. "Sounds fun!"
Vick chuckled. "Ohhhh that's a good idea."
Mikan nodded. "That's should pass the time."
(It had to happen eventually ;))

"Truth or dare?" Jonathan asked, looking very confused. "What's that?"
"You've never played truth or dare?"
Jonathan shook his head. "I was the eldest child from quite a wealthy family. Thanks to all of the expectations that comes with, after the age of about 7 I was never really allowed much time to play games..."
Still a little shocked that he'd never played, Charlotte explained the rules to Jonathan.
Mikan giggled at her husband. "Oh Jonathan dear you will get the hang of it."
Ayane giggled, eating some cake as she kicked her legs cutely on the chair.
"Who shall go first?" Vick asked.
"Jonathan should be able to ask start off his very first game, " Charlotte suggested.

Hoping he correctly understood what to do, Jonathan looked around thr people in the ropm, deciding who to ask. "Vick, truth or dare?" he asked.
"Whats the most embarrassing thing you've done in public?" Jonathan asked. He then turned to Charlotte, the one who'd explained the rules to him, and whispered, "Am I doing this right?"

Giggling a little, Charlotte gave Jonathan a thumbs up. Has he really not played this before? Thats quite a brutal question for his first ever go at this.
Vick thought for a second. "I forgot to put my clothes on one day because I was so sleep and walked half way down the street."
Ayane laughed. "That's hilarious!"