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Bad ∞ End ∞ Night [Roleplay]

Yukiko awoke, then let out a scream. She took a deep breath then began to breathe heavily. "W-Was it all a dream...?" Yukiko softly whispered to herself. Yukiko sat up, then dug her nails into the fabric on the couch, sweat dripping from her forehead.
Riku laughed quietly to herself, and took out her two messy pink hair curls, tying them up in a ponytail. "Sounds like a plan, Vick. Gives me deja vu. Hell, since I woke up I keep giving deja vu. Didn't we all.... die, or something??" Riku huffed, turning into a yell. She cleared her throat. "Pardon, I'm just a bit... scared, and confused. I think we all are," she stated, in a lower voice this time. Riku skipped down the hall, and down the stairs, into the kitchen, and sat down at the table, and saw Ayane making some tea. Riku decided to say quiet, not knowing how Ayane felt in return.
Vick sat at the table. "So this has all already happened? Should we figure out what happened last time?"
Ayane was making her tea, she kept seeing visions which made her feel a little dizzy. She remembered Yukiko hugging her, she remembered falling on top of Riku... Now Riku kissed her and confessed her feelings to her... What was Ayane meant to do or feel? Ayane felt dizzy, carrying the tray of tea to the table. She nearly slippe but put the tray on the table. "H-here!"
Yukiko got off the couch, then quickly made her way to the kitchen. (?) She looked around and saw everyone safe and sound. A breath of relief fell from Yukiko's mouth. "Must have been a dream then," Yukiko thought to herself.
Charlotte joined the others at the table, although hesitantly. She for some reason got the feeling that she wasn't really welcome there, but she didn't want to be left out. As a compromise, she had chosen the seat furthest from the others.

Jonathan yook a seat at the table beside Vick. "Thank you, Ayane," he said as the girl in question brought tea over.
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"Thank you, Ayane," Riku said, and noticed her almost fall. "You alright?" She asked, taking a sip of tea. "I think so, it would be quite a vivid dream, plus I, personally, don't believe connected dreams are a thing. I remember people getting killed, but not who, or who killed... And the clock, and the sky. It's been 11:56 this whole time. The village girl, I'm sure this is the cause of her. Definite, really," Riku stated, then saw the girl and regretted saying that last part. She eyed Ayane, saying with her eyes,"I'm sorry if that's not how you feel."
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After Mina had checked the clock she went back to the book, carefully she took it out of its hiding place and scanned through the pages trying to find out the future, she stopped.. Then silently she whispered to herself "It's gone, someone ripped it out.."
"M-me?" Charlotte asked, confused. What had she done to make everyone not trust her all of a sudden? No one seemed to mind her before when she first got to the mansion, when they had a party, why the sudden change?
Mina heard the distance talking and decided to join the discusment, gracefully she sat down onto a chair and debated in her mind if she should tell the others someone stole a page from the Book, she decided not to, well not yet atleast.
"Everything has changed since you've gotten here. Severely. We died, got killed, I'm pretty sure, and look. We're back, and I for one, think that is not normal," Riku argued, and saw Yukiko, and remembered insulting the doll, and getting killed by her. "Ah, hello, murderer, I'm assuming you wish to join the discussion?" Riku scoffed, glaring at Yukiko
"Well it is true that all this crazy stuff started since she got here." Vick put a finger to his chin.
"I remember... I think... I think Charlotte killed me!" She said surprised, looking scared. "A-Are you gunna kill me again?!"
"W-what? I wouldn't kill someone... I'm not a murderer!" Charlotte protested. A thought popped into her head, and she tried to puch away the thought of all the blood she saw in her 'dream', which by the sounds of it, probably wasn't a dream at all. I wouldn't... right..?

"We souldn't jump to conclusions until we at least know everything we can," Jonathan pointed out. They have a point though, everything was perfectly fine until she showed up...
Yukiko had tears in her eyes, "Why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you?" Yukiko tried so much not to cry, but then lost it and began bawling her eyes out. If Ayane did love Riku instead of her, Riku sure didn't deserve it.
"Eh? Oh, I don't. All I'm doing is bringing up the facts, you know.. I would, truly like to apologize though, Yukiko. I had no original intentions to hurt your feelings or to upset you.. Please, accept my apology," Riku said, telling the truth
Yukiko continued to cry, but this time put her sleeves over her face because she didn't want Ayane to see her like that. "Everytime someone calls me 'doll', I get triggered back to my murder. How could you be so blind to this?"
"Well, sorry... Let's be honest, we were all confused, scared, and not our normal selves last night, or... whenever that was<" Riku stated
Ayane looked between the two girls, and decided to smile softly like some (kawaii) angel. "It's okay... Look let's put it in the past, we can't dwell on all the crazy things the night made us do... Anyway, I am going to get us all some cake." She stood up smiling, hands clasped cutely as she skipped into the kitchen.
Name: Mitsuki Kimura
Age: 24
Role: Tailor
Personality: Mitsuki is a sweet girl, who tries to make friends with everyone. She can be ditzy at times though, always forgetting things. Mitsuki is fairly smart though, she just doesn't use her head most of the time.

Background: Mitsuki had two very rich parents, to which they spoiled her. Mitsuki went to college for four years, until finally getting her degree. She's worked for the Master and everyone else for two years.
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Name: Mitsuki Kimura
Age: 24
Role: Tailor
Personality: Mitsuki is a sweet girl, who tries to make friends with everyone. She can be ditzy at times though, always forgetting things. Mitsuki is fairly smart though, she just doesn't use her head most of the time.

Background: Mitsuki had two very rich parents, to which they spoiled her. Mitsuki went to college for four years, until finally getting her degree. She's worked for the Master and everyone else for two years.
(Accepted, just make sure to explain her absence and how she died the last night on her own somehow)